873: Reaching Beyond the Limits of Innovation and Transformation with Braden Kelley

Biznik-Seattle Innovators Series with Dan Pink, Author of "Drive" at Hotel 1000 on January 12, 2010.

When it comes to innovation, timing is a huge factor. Going in too soon or too late can both cost you lots of money. Innovation isn’t all about creativity and value-creation, it is also about the services that you provide around your new idea and helping people understand how your idea can be of value to their lives. But how can we know if our innovative ideas can really affect people’s lives?

Braden Kelley is an engaging innovation speaker, workshop facilitator, toolmaker for innovation & change professionals, and a sought-after transformation and organizational agility leader. He is also the best-selling author of Charting Change and Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire. He is also the creator of the Human-Centered Change™ methodology, and has maximized profits for companies while living and working in England, Germany, and the United States. Today, Braden talks with us about the customer-employee experience, loyalty archaeology, design thinking, and innovation. Stay tuned to learn more!


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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