Archive for January, 2011

How to Pull Confidence Out of Thin Air, Starting Today (Easy 4-Step Process with PROOF!)

January 25, 2011100 Comments

I was talking to someone the other night who was afraid to run a webinar. A lot of people are. Many of you have "enough" technical skills to do it, enough knowledge about your topic to present, but "something" is holding you back.

Let's change that in this blog post, for you, right now!

Go ahead and look at this page carefully, because it's going to help you make a sale (if you are a marketer), help people (if you are a teacher), conquer public presentations (if you are a speaker), and so on.

First, I am NOT a self-help expert of any kind. But I have run 359 live webinars (697 hours) so I know a couple of things about webinar confidence and public speaking.

You and I both have our own unique set of problems. Let's solve those problems for you, not in one huge step but in a couple of SMALL pieces at a time...

News Flash:
You Have Only Have 8 Emotions (Seriously!)

As a nerdy computer programmer, I like to take apart what makes us work. And according to psychologists (I'm not one and haven't read ANY books about psychology) you have 8 basic emotions:

  • joy
  • trust
  • anticipation
  • surprise
  • fear
  • anger
  • sadness
  • disgust

That's it! Anything else you feel is either one of these in greater or lesser intensity (i.e. rage, jealousy, distraction, annoyance, interest) or is a combination of these (i.e. love or guilt).

"But dammit Jim, I'm a computer programmer, not a psychologist." That "psychology" explanation looks like a bunch of ideas thrown at me. I like to deconstruct and simplify things.

This information isn't available in any book, only right here. At least not assembled in the way I've done it here. Let's get it into a step by step formula you can apply today.

Eight things are a lot to keep track of... are four key concepts easier? Of course they are. So let's keep in mind that each of these 8 emotions has an OPPOSITE... for example, the opposite of being "happy" is "sad", right?

Four Positives and Four Negatives

That means you really only have four negative and four positive states:

  • ANTICIPATION (positive) <--> SURPRISE (positive)
  • JOY (positive) <--> sadness (negative)
  • TRUST (positive) <--> disgust (negative)
  • fear (negative) <--> anger (negative)

(I've put positive emotions in ALL CAPS and negative ones in lower caps to make this more readable.)

The "green" and "orange" colors don't mean good or bad, it's just so you can tell which are the opposites of one another. For example, "joy" and "sadness" are opposites because they have different colors. (This is important for later.)

Here's something else you should notice from these (2 + 2 + 2 + 2) eight states:

  • With 2 of the "positive" emotions, the opposite is a positive
  • With 2 of the "positive" emotions, the opposite is a negative
  • With 2 of the "negative" emotions, the opposite is a positive
  • With 2 of the "negative" emotions, the opposite is a negative

You can have all the knowledge and all the skill in the world, but if your emotions (especially fear) hold you back, if you can't "get over yourself" so to speak... then you can't do anything!

This is why so many people have trouble putting up an optin page, can't YET run a live webinar, and so on. Too many negatives holding you back and not enough positives pushing you forward.

How to Change Your Behavior
(The Way That Really Works)

And I think the reason so many people can't get past it is they either let it take them over, try to ignore it, fight it or even go against it.

You have to REDIRECT it and USE it to your advantage. When I was young, I was in (music) band, played sports and gave school presentations probably just like you.

Anytime I "fought" what I was feeling, it distracted me from hitting the baseball. BUT... if I was nervous about playing saxophone in concert, I would use that alertness to do an even better job than I would otherwise.

(Maybe that explains why I was always stuck in leftfield/shortstop/3rd base in baseball, but was 1st/2nd chair in band class?)

To improve any skill, you need to go from:

  1. unconscious incompetence (unaware you're doing it wrong), to...
  2. conscious incompetence (find out WHAT you're doing wrong), then to...
  3. conscious competence (doing it somewhat right even if you have to work at it), and finally...
  4. unconscious competence (doing it automatically as easily as breathing or driving a car).

The seven stages of grief (shock, denial, anger, bargaining, guilt, depression, acceptance) take you up to "conscious competence."

Twelve step recovery programs (problem, awareness, decision, inventory, admission, readiness, openness, details, repair, inventory, meditation, repetition) stop before you get to "unconscious competence."

Unconscious Incompetence to Unconscious Competence

There are a lot of things I don't know. But I DO know about overcoming your fear of public speaking to run webinars because I've done it. And the secret isn't figuring it all out at once, it's focusing on ONE issue you have (i.e. running one in the first place, slurring your words, stopping for questions, silence or dead air... slowly fixing things, until one day you realize you don't have to try at all...

  • 0% of the way there: ground zero
    (not online, not doing webinars)
  • 20% of the way there: unconscious incompetence
    (running your first webinar, just doing "something")
  • 40% of the way there: conscious incompetence
    (aware of little things you're doing wrong on a webinar)
  • 60% of the way there: conscious competence
    (fixing little issues i.e. breathing on a webinar)
  • 80% of the way there: unconscious competence
    (running a great webinar automatically)

If you've heard of the 80/20 rule, you know that 20% of the effort will bring you 80% of the results.

Life's 80/20 rule applies here in that the last 80% is the hardest... you can put in just 20% of the effort to achieve an 80% skill level (the beginnings of "unconscious competence") ... but now you're running webinars and doing them correctly: making sales, being a good presenter, recording it, all that good stuff.

Let's connect your "skill" (good or bad) your "emotion" (good or bad)... we want your negative state to be in the past, and your positive state to be in the future, right?

Anger, disgust, fear, and sadness should somehow fit into past -- the "unconscious incompetence" and "conscious incompetence" areas.

Anticipation, joy, trust, and surprise are in your future -- "conscious competence" and "unconscious competence."

When you're incompetent, you're in a negative state. When you're competent, you're positive. But how do you GET there?

Why Don't You Go "Confuse" Yourself!

The key is confusing yourself and let me explain. Think about when somebody won you over by making you laugh, overloading you with information or just confusing you with conflicting information until you gave up. You change your state through confusion.

The lack of confusion is also how you stay in a state, and why you're stuck in the state you're in now. Let's see what happens if we pair the "unconscious" states (beginning and end) with emotions that are NOT opposites, and "conscious" states (middle stages where we're improving) with emotions that ARE opposites -- to add the "confusion" factor where we make a change?

The Exact Roadmap to Do It Today

We get this roadmap of going from "guilt" to "love."

  • unconscious incompetence = sadness + disgust = guilt
  • conscious incompetence = anger + fear (opposites)
  • conscious competence = ANTICIPATION + SURPRISE (opposites)
  • unconscious competence = JOY + TRUST = love

(Remember, both "green" or both "orange" next to each other, means they're the same, "green and orange" means they're opposites.)

What you'll do is use fear and anger to rise above the guilt, take some action out of impulse, experience anticipation and surprise once you realize what you're doing, experience the joy of completion and the trust that it's possible to repeat.

Here are the steps you need to go through in order, for example, to get confident with webinars:

Stage 1: Unconscious Incompetence: (sadness + disgust) Do you feel bad because you're not making enough money? Feel guilty because you're not doing enough? It's okay to blame your "past" self for not doing enough... cry it out so you can move past it. Your present and future self WILL run one webinar this week, it's going to happen.

Stage 2: Conscious Incompetence: (anger + fear) Remember when someone said you weren't good enough to do something? That same person would probably say the same about you and webinars.Prove them wrong. Are you jealous of someone else, who has more than you do? It's not fair, you deserve it more than they do! Get mad enough to make a difference.

Maybe you could do a webinar better than "they" would... now you have something they don't.

In any case, your marketing message isn't getting out now -- you need to run at least ONE webinar. Try it. What you've been doing so far isn't working it... attack this head-on.

Stage 3: Conscious Competence: (ANTICIPATION + SURPRISE) You're allowed to be a "little" bit nervous trying something, like webinars, that you haven't done before.But one of the cool things about doing a webinar is that you don't know what's going to happen. Doing a webinar means you have to move outside your comfort zone a little bit, but what have you got to lose?

The absolute worst thing that happens is that no one shows up, or no one likes your webinar, and guess what... you're at the same place you are now! In other words, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Once you do this you'll know where your limits are.

Stage 4: Unconscious Competence: (JOY + TRUST) You completed the hard part... that first 2 minutes of the webinar when you were nervous, and you powered through it to the fun part.You finished your first webinar, and you're already excited about doing another one. Even if just one person said you were great, that made it all worthwhile, didn't it? You can't believe it took you this long to run a live webinar like this. You want to do it again and again. Your next webinar will be even better.

If you're not ready to run webinars, replace "run a webinar" with "make an optin page" ... "setup a payment button" ... or even "exercising" or "quitting your job" or "dating" ...

I'm not saying I know everything about everything, but you can apply what I know about webinar confidence to your own life, so that you can tackle that problem of having a SKILL but not yet having the CONFIDENCE to put yourself out there.

What do you think?

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