About Robert Plank

Intro for Media Interviews & Podcasts

Downloadable PDF: Robert Plank Bio

75 Word Bio (441 characters)

Robert Plank is the founder of Done For You Podcasting (DFYPodcast.com), host of the Marketer of the Day podcast (MarketerOfTheDay.com) and author of WWHW: Why, What, How-To, What-If (WWHWBook.com). He has helped thousands of entrepeneurs create online businesses through 1000 podcast episodes, 15 books and 15 online courses. How can YOU use your podcast and book as an advertising, marketing and traffic tool to fulfill your wildest dreams?

150 Word Bio (738 characters)

Robert Plank, founder of Done For You Podcasting (DFYPodcast.com), host of the Marketer of the Day podcast (MarketerOfTheDay.com) and author of WWHW: Why, What, How-To, What-If (WWHWBook.com).

With over 1000 podcast episodes, 15 books and 15 online courses, Robert believes that you must be a thought-leader to succeed and profit. Recording your own podcast should be the most enjoyable activity you perform in your business, and your podcast should be the jumping off point for your content marketing, book publishing, course creation, and joint venture networking. Let Robert Plank explain how you can create a new podcast if you don't have one, or improve your existing podcast if you want it to become the fuel for your online business.

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Suggested Interview Topics

  • How to Create a Podcast to Stand Out from the Crowd
  • How to Brainstorm & Write a Book in 12 Hours, Even If You Hate Writing
  • Transform Your Expertise Into Money: Build an Online Course to Generate Passive Income (The Easy Way)

Suggested Interview Questions

  • What holds people back the most these days? How can we become more organized and more productive?
  • What led you to self-employment and entrepreneurship?
  • What's the fastest way to create a book, and why is creating a book quickly the only way that makes sense?
  • What's the big deal about creating a podcast? Why does every business owner need one?
  • What stops most people from creating membership sites and how can we overcome them?


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