185: The Book Activation Method: Overcome the Fear of Publishing and Create the Perfect Book to Boost Your Business with Deborah Ager


Deborah Ager from Radiant Media Labs and creator of The Book Activation Method wants you to embrace your fear and use it to move forward. She also wants to get a book out of you in the following steps:

1. master market and idea
2. align with mission: book sales, speaking, which publisher, authority
3. mining your material: blog posts, existing presentations, themes and ideas
4. mark out the tools: find the time/space to write, calendars, Evernote
5. map your mind: get messy with a mindmap
6. brain to book: break to-do list into do-able chunks, word count or time goal, schedule, write or speak
7. marketing

Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016InterviewPodcastWriting

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