26th Birthday: Where Can We Meet?

My 26th birthday is coming up in a few weeks, on Thursday, September 23, 2010. I'm having my "real" birthday party a few days before because on Thursday I'm going to be traveling to JVAlert Live in Denver.

Here's my question to you: what major city close to you, can you get to on Thursday, not for anything major, just to hang out at a bar where I buy you a drink?

I don't want to fly into the northwest, southwest, midwest, northeast, or deep south, and I'm staying in the United States... so that pretty much leaves these choices:

Update: Here's what you guys voted...

  • Los Angeles, CA (17 votes)
  • San Francisco, CA (10 votes)
  • Las Vegas, NV (7 votes)
  • Salt Lake City, UT (3 votes)
  • Denver, CO (6 votes)
  • Dallas, TX (9 votes)
  • Austin, TX (9 votes)
  • Atlanta, GA (12 votes)
  • Orlando, FL (6 votes)
  • New York, NY (7 votes)
  • New Orleans, LA (2 votes)
  • Washington, DC (2 votes)

Which of these cities can you be in to meet me on Thursday, September 23, 2010? Go ahead and vote with your comment below.  I'm not sure if I'll be doing it yet, it depends on the votes.

Filed in: PersonalSeminars

Comments (113)

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  1. patryce says:


  2. Jack says:

    Austin, Tx
    Dallas, Tx

  3. Adam Porter says:

    Barring Chicago, I’d have to say Atlanta, GA!

  4. Maurice says:

    Washington, DC.

  5. HelenRappy says:

    Atlanta, GA with an early celebration during AM2 Live!

    A whole month of Birthday parties sounds fabulous!


  6. I choose Dallas, or Atlanta for these reasons:
    My son and his family (including my grandsons) live in Dallas. I could kill two birds with one stone.

    Atlanta – it’s closest to Myrtle Beach (only a 6 hour drive).

    BUT, Robert, you didn’t list the best city of all – Myrtle Beach. You come here and I’ll get you an oceanfront condo for a couple days. And September is the absolute perfect time of the year – the tourists with all the kids have largely gone home but the weather is still great. So what do you say? Can you hear the surf pounding when you wake up?


    PS…we could get one big enough for Lance, too!

  7. Hi Robert,

    I am located in Mumbai, India.

    Saji C

  8. Tim says:

    Actually none of the above. You seem to have the west coast, the southern coast and the east coast covered. I live in Indiana.

    That’s ok, though, I rarely go out to events like this. Happy Birthday in advance, though. Glad to see you’re alive and kickin’. 😉

  9. Happy birthday, but none of the above. 🙂

  10. Warren says:

    Barring Washington, DC my preference would be Atlanta.

  11. John Braun says:

    Atlanta GA…VERY easy to get to from almost anywhere (except India).

  12. On September 23rd, I’ll be on my first ever transatlantic cruise. We’ll just be hitting the Atlantic for 5 days across the pond. It’s been a dream for many years and I get to take my kids (and hubby of course).

    I’m sorry I won’t be able to fly somewhere and meet you that day, Robert (I’d vote for Washington, DC or Atlanta myself), but you’re always welcome to meet me at the coffee bar on the Disney Magic 🙂 I’ll buy you one the dreamsicle smoothies!

    Happy Birthday, early!!

  13. Erik says:

    AMSTERDAM please

  14. Shelby says:

    Los Angeles, CA

  15. Hi Robert,

    The closest location would be New York, NY.

    I don’t yet have a passport, so hopefully I could get one by that time.

    The new laws that were implemented last July, now requires Canadian citizens to have a passport to enter the US.

    It seems like people are coming from all over the US. You definitely have a broad base of customers! People love you everywhere. 🙂

  16. Casey says:

    Just go to Burning Man.

    Happy Birthday!

  17. Ed Downes says:


    Sunny Orlando, FL is your best choice!


  18. Nancy Boyd says:

    Mine would have to be NY. Would love to see you there!


  19. Justin Lee says:

    For me the answer would be Los Angeles, but I’m curious:

    Why did you leave San Diego off of the list?

    That would be my first choice.

  20. Dan Locke says:

    Los Angeles. It will be good to see you again.

  21. Atlanta because it’s where I already am. 🙂

  22. Laura says:


  23. Dan martin says:

    I’d prefer Dallas or Austin. It’s been a while since I traveled more than 200 miles for a drink though.

  24. Britt Malka says:

    Happy birthday 🙂

    You’re really missing out, when you decided not to go to:

    Paris, France

    Probably one of the prettiest capitals on Earth.

  25. Stu McLaren says:

    Dang 26… you’re getting up there Robert 😉

  26. Gary Smith says:

    Robert,you should really add New Orleans to the list. If you could do Austin New Orleans is winner.
    Start with Crawfish Etouffee then say…
    REDFISH WITH LUMP CRABMEAT JAIME-Filet of redfish topped with lump crabmeat in a fresh mushroom and red wine sauce.
    Then finish it off with New Orleans Style Bread Pudding with Whiskey Sauce recipe from Emeril Lagasse.
    You won’t be here long enough to catch the World Champ Saints beat up Atlanta but you’ll absolutly have a memorable trip!
    Who Dat?!!!!

  27. Hey – happy birthday. None of those will work. I should be in Fiji at that time.

  28. Steven Schwartzman says:

    I vote NYC… but in the interest of fairness I’ll try to make it out to wherever you decide. I can attest to the fact that Myrtle Beach is awesome. Surprised you threw Orlando and not Miami in there!

  29. Frisco may work for me.

  30. New York sounds good to me… but how about coming to the beautiful Finger Lakes region, Syracuse in particular. I can host 2-3 guys, maybe more.

  31. Sherm Cohen says:

    See you in Los Angeles!

  32. Lance Tamashiro says:

    who doesn’t want to have a birthday in SLC??

    I guess I’ll meet you in Vegas. 🙂

  33. David Snyder says:

    Hey Robert,

    Its only natural that you come to San Diego. It the unofficial Mecca of Internet Marketing. Its Very Close to Los Angeles.

    Its much easier to fly into and out of.

    Probably a bit cheaper too.

    Just some thoughts for you.


  34. David Bibby says:

    Orlando, FL. It’s within driving distance.. not that I’m afraid to fly or anything.

  35. Dallas, TX because I live between Dallas and Ft. Worth
    Austin, Tx becaause it is the next closest city on your list to me.

  36. Evan says:

    I just had a birthday party yesterday! 🙂 I live in Vancouver, so these three locations are good for me –
    # Los Angeles, CA
    # San Francisco, CA
    # Las Vegas, NV

    Happy birthday to you!

  37. Donna says:

    Hi Robert,

    Wow… just 26 and look what you’ve accomplished.

    Before I read your post, I was going to offer you a personal tour of the Lake Chapala area… the closest airport being Guadalajara but you don’t want to leave the US so guess that’s out. 🙁

    I do wish you a VERY Happy Birthday and many, many more.

    IF I could meet you, Austin is the closest but alas, the budget won’t permit at this time in my life.

    Celebrate yourself in a BIG way, wherever it is!


  38. Anthony says:

    L.A., baby, L.A.!

  39. Yo Rob! You live in the big Valley, Bro. You could drive (or have someone drive you) to San Fran and fly out of SFO to Denver after hanging out in a top flight spot in the City. The little bar on the first floor at the Hyatt Regency in the Embarcadero Center is really nice. It’s quiet and looks out onto the lobby which is quite stunning. They also have a killer restaurant and lounge up on the top floor called the Eclipse. Great food and drinks.

    You have a big trip planned so you should make it as convenient for yourself as you can. People who have a genuine interest in meeting you will make the little bit of extra effort to come to wherever you are.

    Whatever you decide, let me know and I’ll do my best to meet you wherever you are. And have a safe trip, no matter what you decide.


    Robert Prieto

  40. Alan says:

    Hi Robert,

    I think you should get your ass over to to Edinburgh.


    Go on


  41. Robert Plank says:

    Hey guys… thanks for all your votes so far.

    It looks like Los Angeles is the #1 choice so far, with Austin and Atlanta tied for 2nd place.

    I thought about adding New Orleans, Miami, and Washington DC to the list but I figure the less choices the better, and if there are enough “write-in” votes I’ll add it to the running.

    Go ahead and vote if you haven’t already!

  42. Dennis says:

    Los Angeles!

  43. Steven Schwartzman says:

    I change my vote to New Orleans. Never been.

  44. Seems like that weekend would be a good time to go to Disneyland. So you could make it a four day celebration in LA!

  45. Andreea says:

    San Francisco, CA

  46. Robert, I don’t see anyone else who has offered you a free oceanfront condo. Come on…this shouldn’t be hard. Choose Myrtle Beach!

  47. San Francisco, CA

  48. Obviously Austin is first, Dallas second – and of course I’m always up for Vegas!


  49. Los Angeles! My bday is 9/20. Happy birthday in advance to you!

  50. Denver and/or webstream! 🙂

    Wherever it is, I’m sure it’ll be a blast!



  51. Atlanta is my hometown. Hope to see you there!

  52. jeremy says:

    Salt Lake City, Ut

  53. Alexander says:

    Why you don’t do something out of the box & romantic with your girlfriend and come to Venice Italy 😉


  54. Ron says:


  55. If I was able to go I would choose LA. as thats the closet from Australia for me. Happy birthday anyway.
    I will plant the seed and suggest for next year you could travel to Gold Coast,Australia beautiful part of the world summer all year round.
    The United Nations ranked Australia THIRD on its Human Development Index for 2008.


  56. Robert Plank says:

    Lodi isn’t a “major” city.

  57. Steve Atlas says:

    Hi Robert,

    Happy Birthday in advance. Washington, D. C (not on your list) is best–or Baltimore, MD. where I live.

    However, I’m not a big drinker and am very busy with my projects. So regretably, I’ll have to limit myself to wishing you a Happy Birthday in this comment section.

  58. Ray says:


    If you’re going to party then you might as well come to NYC. You know NY is the place when it comes to the nightlife. There’s a reason why it’s the city that never sleeps. 😉

    I’m from NY and I know a few hot spots we can hang out and I’ll show you a good time for sure.

  59. William says:

    Dallas or Denver, they are both around the same distance.

  60. Jenni says:

    Hey Robert – what a crazy idea – and fun – I’d vote for sunny Queensland in Australia too but never mind! Have a great birthday and I’ll have a drink for you in absence.

  61. The Big Apple, NYC.

  62. Marsha says:

    Hi Robert,
    Believe it or not on Sept. 23 I will be on my way to Yuba City, CA by plane. My nephew is getting married on the 25th so I’m booked for that day. I would love to wish you a fantastic time on your birthday though. I live close to Madison, WI which is actually a very beautiful city in the Summer. Honolulu is where I would recommend though in Waikiki. Beach side is gorgeous and very clean. An island luau would be awesome! Anyways, enjoy yourself!


  63. Robert Plank says:


    I’ve been to Waikiki twice in the past 2 years and I love it. I plan on going back in 2011. I don’t think most people will be able to get out there just for one night though.

  64. Jase says:

    Another cool CTA to your blog – you are the master on this. 🙂

    Happy Birthday for September from Australia.

  65. Nathan says:

    What about getting a closer perspective to current events and visiting me in Afghanistan?!

    Happy B-Day!

  66. Pamela says:

    Isn’t that during the time Platinum has a meeting?

    Las Vegas
    Dallas, Texas

  67. David says:

    We can meet in Atlanta,GA

  68. what about London?

    You need to celebrate in style.


  69. Dan Stanley says:

    You said close enough for a Thursday… that would be Los Angeles.

    If you can do it on a weekend, then I would choose Las Vegas!

  70. Robert Plank says:

    Pamela, it’s a few days before Platinum.

  71. Carl says:

    Austin TX would be GREAT!

  72. Dave Doolin says:

    Haha! Lodi works fine.

    Black Rock City (Burning Man) would work too.

  73. I’ve already told you…Myrtle Beach! And I’ve given you a very serious offer of a beautiful oceanfront condo at no cost to you. But…I haven’t gotten an RSVP from you.

    At any rate, here’s an extra comment for you.

    Oceanfront Mama,

  74. Denver. That will be the most time efficient for you.

  75. Rob says:

    Robert…. I have spent enough money buying your products that this should pay for your trip to Los Angles.

    Yes, you will want to visit the City of Angeles on your Birthday.

    Happy Birthday Robert… look forward to meeting you in person.


  76. Happy Birthday Robert. Since I’m in Alameda, my vote is San Francisco.

  77. Bob Molton says:

    Hey Robert,

    My vote is for Atlanta, GA.

    I can hop a plane and get there in one stop.

    However, the free Oceanfront Condo offer from Jeanne is hard to refuse:-)

    Happy Birthday Bro!

    Bob Molton – (rock n roll)

  78. Chris Lockwood says:


  79. Mourad says:

    Happy Birthday Robert,

    Marrakech, Morocco is a lovely city and if you could’nt come these Days, I suggest you come on January 2011 to enjoy the Historic city and its Mountain view. Your are Welcome!

  80. Charles says:

    Atlanta, of course!

  81. Alicia says:

    I am in the deep south, so Atlanta. Have a very happy birthday!

  82. Thomas R says:

    San Francisco or Las Vegas

  83. Elena says:


    How about Charleston, SC but Happy Birthday wherever you choose to go.


  84. Elena says Charleston, but that’s only 90 minutes from your free condo here in Myrtle Beach. Hmmmm….

    I bet Elena could join us!

  85. Vonalda says:


  86. Hi Robert,

    The closest major city for me would be Glasgow… followed by Edinburgh… but Scotland is not in the USA so I guess not. 😉

    If I were able to get there, I would vote for San Francisco.

    Eagle Café down on Pier 39, if it’s still standing… (I almost wasn’t when I left it last time, more than 23 years ago.)

    But as you are going there anyway, why not just choose Denver – that would fit so well with your usual efficient way of packing a lot into a short space of time – “Time Management On Crack”!

    Have a good one wherever you end up celebrating it 🙂

    Kiwi in South West Scotland

  87. Kenny says:

    Happy B Day, Robert!
    Now that you’re going to be in your ‘late’ 20s, why not expand your horizons and come to Toronto 🙂
    I’ll buy you some nice single malt.
    Seriously, have a great b day and enjoy this cool celebration, which I will miss…

  88. Sorry. It would have to be in Houston for me to attend.

    I recommend Austin, though, for maximum fun.

  89. Margaret says:

    Las Vegas – I may actually be in the area and would love to meet-up with you and others.

  90. Robert Plank says:

    Ok guys, here’s how the voting is going so far…

    1st place: Los Angeles, CA (15 votes)
    2nd place: Atlanta, GA (11 votes)
    3rd place: San Francisco, CA (10 votes)
    4th place: Austin, TX (9 votes)
    5th place: Dallas, TX (8 votes)

    Right now it looks like it’ll be LA. I’m still not sure if I’ll do it, or if anyone will actually show up, but I’ve got to take the risk, right? I’ll keep you updated and have a final decision well ahead of time for you guys.

    In the meantime I’ll leave the comments open a little bit longer… the stragglers still have SOME time to get their votes in.

  91. Angel says:

    Vegas baby Vegas!

  92. Brocha Weiss says:

    Hi Robert,
    Happy Birthday
    You are so young, didn’t realize this 🙂

    If IM is still around when you reach my age, you’ll be one of the dinasours in Internet Marketing.

    Love your trainings, excellent


  93. Happy Birthday!

    I’ll treat you as a KING in NY, Robert, and take you to a best restaurant!


  94. Robert,

    I totally vote for LA. I’ve never met you in person so I would show up no matter what.


  95. Lily says:

    Happy Birthday Robert…may u have many more
    birthdays to come…God Bless!

  96. Roger says:

    Hey Robert,

    I’m throwing in a vote to meet in Denver!

    And anytime you’re in Denver, drop me an email and I’ll meet you to buy you a drink.


  97. Karie Clingo says:

    If you were to take the average amount of people living in each area, and then calculate the votes from those areas, Salt Lake City should win! It’s beautiful there in the autumn…hiking, biking, mountains, great food and awesome people! Salt Lake City also has the BEST DESSERTS for BIRTHDAYS!!! We know how to eat our sweets.

  98. Robert Plank says:


    I was honestly thinking about taking my 10,000 subscriber list, resolving all the IPs into geographic areas, then generating a heatmap to see where the most people are.

    The problem: just because someone lives near SLC doesn’t mean they’ll want to or have time to come hang out.

  99. Ina Stanley says:

    Hey Robert,

    Since Atlanta was on your list, you should come have a visit! My 27th birthday is August 27th, so just a little less than a month before yours. There’s always so much to do here, I’m sure you could plan a great time!

    Then again, you could always join us in Orlando at the end of this month (both my fiance and sister have August birthdays, so we’ll all be celebrating)!

    Wherever you decide to be, have a happy 26th!

  100. Add one more vote for Los Angeles, Robert!

  101. Les Tatum says:

    Dallas Texas

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