473: Work Less and Make More: Track Your Time, Delegate, and Tidy-Up Your Super Fast Business with James Schramko

James Schramko is an internet marketer and business coach who has helped over 2,000 students create and maintain six, seven and eight-figure businesses.

He's grown his coaching communities into multi-million dollar businesses that fund a lifestyle he loves. Running his businesses with an input of just hours a week, he finds ample time to surf, spend time with family and friends, watch movies and travel. The keys to such idyllic living are what he shares inside his two paid communities, SilverCircle and SuperFastBusiness.

James talks with us about his best productivity (and simplicity) secrets, easy ways to make money and find the low hanging fruit in your business. 80/20 isn't enough, you must go for 64/4!


Filed in: Archive 2: 2017BusinessInterviewMoneyPodcastProductivity

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