778: Achieve Professional and Personal Success: Thoughts, Beliefs, Experiences, and Perspectives with Kim Ades

Everyone wants to succeed in life but not everyone knows how. Success isn’t always about a result of luck and hard work. It is also knowing how to define success for yourself and putting yourself in the right frame of mind. 

In this episode, Kim Ades talks about the Frame of Mind Coaching process. Kim is the founder and president of Frame of Mind Coaching. She is also an entrepreneur, coach, speaker, and author. Kim will take us through how extremely important our thoughts, beliefs, past experiences and perspectives in achieving the results that we want.

This episode is informal but highly informative which will help you address your personal obstacles and reach new heights in your professional and personal lives, with greater ease, peace, and exhilaration.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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