Choose the Time for Your Free Webinar

Hey guys, thanks for exceeding my expectations and getting that last blog post higher than 30 retweets... to 45 tweets.

What time should I deliver your free webinar showing you how to stay motivated and get more things done... in other words, how to be like me?

Leave a comment below telling me:

1. What day of the week we should run this group webinar.

2. What time of day we should run it (including timezone).

(I'll either average out the times or choose the timeslot that appears the most.)

Looking forward to your comment below...

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Comments (101)

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  1. Dennis Wagoner says:

    Wednesday, 8pm EST

  2. Jesus Perez says:

    Wednesday at 2pm EST.

  3. Tuesday or Thursday at 2pm EST.

  4. Ron says:

    Any early evening UK time. Most webinars end up being 2 am over here finishing around 3:30. For those having to get up the next morning it makes for tired struggles waking up to go to work.

    So I would support the idea of being on Wednesday 2pm EST time.


  5. Robert Vance says:

    Tuesday or Thursday at 4:30 PST

  6. Anytime wed. is good for me. I’m all for accommodating the UK people if possible.

  7. Nancy Boyd says:

    Wednesday 2 pm EST; alternatively Thursday 2 pm EST

  8. Chuck Arnone says:

    8AM -2PM any day

  9. Sam England says:

    anytime after 12pm is fine with me…

    Sam England

  10. nathan says:

    I m deaf so webinar does not work for me because every one talk and not even bother to type down for me what going on. So Im pretty much on my own when it comes to webinar


  11. Robert Plank says:

    Sorry to hear that Nathan.

    So far we’ve got 2 votes for “any day”, 5 votes for Wednesday, 3 for Thursday, and 2 for Tuesday.

    As far as the time, just about everyone is set around 2PM, one guy wants 8PM. I’ll keep you updated with the totals.

  12. Paul Klein says:

    Wednesday, 7 pm Eastern

  13. Velli, Md. says: problem anytime

  14. Robert Plank says:

    But if you had to pick a time, when would it be?

  15. Monday thru Saturday 9:00 am to 11:00 am PST would be my preference.

  16. tony says:

    preferably uk time but i’ll go with the flow1

  17. Robert Plank says:

    So what EXACT time and day of the week would you want, Tony?

  18. Any day after 2pm works for me. Finished the day job by then. Working after 2 is overtime for us, we have a small local business offline.

  19. Hi Robert,

    Wednesday, 2pm Pacific or after.



  20. Bob Marconi says:

    Tuesday at 6 p.m. pdt

  21. Gillian says:

    Thanks for asking.

    Anyday except Thursday. Before 9pm GMT

  22. I vote for Wednesday at 2:00est (11:00p). Looks like a great day to learn from Robert Plank.

    This is a great idea… put it on us and you’re good to go!

    Love learning from you! Inspiration with a twist!

  23. Tim Jensen says:

    Anytime this coming Thursday would be GREAT!

  24. vicki says:

    between 7 and 9 pm Eastern Standard Time

  25. Thomas says:

    Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays 9 am to 10 pm PDT.

  26. john says:

    1. What day of the week we should run this group webinar.

    Any day – Im a full time internet guy!

    2. What time of day we should run it (including timezone).

    Im in the ultra minority, however I would be in the ultra responsive… 9pm Bangkok Time! lol

  27. Chris says:

    Hey Bob,

    Long time no visit! The time isn’t as important to me, and I’m sure many others; as much as whether a recording will be made available? I probably won’t be able to make it live. (As I’m sure many others can’t either)


  28. Wednesday at 2PM EDT works for me. Thanks, Robert! ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Curtis says:

    Mountain time after 8pm on any night but Tuesday’s.

  30. Hello Robert,

    Thanks for the great content, motivation and marketing advice.
    For me, any day, any time
    Thursdays, between 5pm and 9pm
    (I have a coaching session then).

    Thanks again,

  31. Adam Porter says:

    Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 2PM EDT would be A-OK.

  32. Thurday at 4:30 PST works for me. Thanks, Robert

  33. Dan says:

    Wednesday or Thursday at 2:00 Eastern

  34. Rob Metras says:

    Wed or Thursday 2-4pm EST

  35. Hi Robert,
    Thanks for all the great products even if I am slow learner at using them, but Learning to get faster.
    Any day as I don’t have a day job – 6pm-7pm est. makes it good for me in the morning in Australia.

  36. Ira McCoy says:

    I can be available any night 8:00 Pm Eastern
    that will be find with me Robert.I will be looking
    forward to the webinar.

  37. Ron Barrett says:

    Thanks for doing this Robert.

    My preference would be Tuesday, anytime after 6pm Central time to be able to contribute. Anytime other time is good as I can be there listening and typing in my questions.

  38. Hey Robert,

    Love the webinars.

    Thursday at 1630 PDT (1930 EDT) works best for me.


  39. Thursdays or Fridays, any time prior to 12 Noon EASTERN. I like to schedule business things during the day.

  40. I support Wednesday 2pm EST as well.

  41. Dennis says:

    Wednesday or Thursday @ 2:00 pm EST

  42. Wednesday 2:00 PM Eastern, 11:00 AM Pacific gets my vote!

    Thanks for asking.

  43. Frances says:

    Hey, no one suggested Sunday! Hope you’ll have a replay!

  44. CL says:

    Everybody seems to think that these long winded webinars is the only way to go.

    If I actually took the time to watch even HALF of the webinars that I am invited to on a daily basis I would be watching webinars 27 plus hours per day.

    Yes I said 27….

    Geez people….

  45. Robert Plank says:


    You personally might not like them… but long webinars work.

    You should only attend webinars that directly apply to you.

  46. Hi Robert, per your eager request for me to leave you a comment here, I am answering your questions below.

    I support any choice but these are my preferences:

    1. Day of the week to run this group webinar…

    2. What time of day to run the free webinar (including timezone)…
    2 PM EST

  47. Thursday
    1:13 PDT

  48. Robert Plank says:


    Haha… thanks for being different… thanks for not choosing the top of the hour… you’re a unique guy.

  49. Robert,

    I would vote for any day monday through thursday at 1 pm central.

    Thanks for the offer…love your webinars!


  50. Vyshak says:

    Sounds like its gonna be tough deciding the time…

  51. Bart says:

    anyday from 8pm eastern and after

  52. Cynthia says:

    tuesday,wensday thursday or friday before 1pm pst

  53. infohiwayman says:

    hey robert, how bout rite now,

  54. Robert Plank says:

    That wasn’t the question…

  55. David Smith says:

    Not that anyone would want to wake up at 8 o’clock on a Saturday morning, but that’s about the only time that strikes a balance between America, Australia and Europe.

    Saturday 08:AM EST =
    Saturday 11:PM Australia/Brisbane =
    Saturday 02:PM Europe/London

    As far as I am concernerd, I’m a chronic insomniac, so AM and PM are pretty much the same to me.

  56. Maurice says:

    Hi Rob

    any week-day other than Friday is good for me but, as I live in the UK, 3pm EDT would be an ideal time.


  57. Ray says:

    10PM eastern

  58. Glen says:

    any day but Tuesday at 5 or 6 PM DST

  59. Josef says:

    After 6:00 PM EST

  60. Robert, 2pm EDT seems popular, but that’s 4am (late Autumn) here in Brisbane, Australia the following day. Any chance of recording the session?

  61. Jase says:

    Thanks for asking. And good luck at working out a ‘common’ time based on responses ๐Ÿ™‚

    Tues 2.30 is good.

    Anytime after 12noon PDT works for me.


  62. Daytime (in the central United States) is fine any day.

    Tuesday is great.

    NOT Wednesday or Thursday evening.
    I’m tied up from 6 pm to 9 pm Central U.S. time, on Wed. and Thurs.

  63. Hi Robert

    I live in South Africa so a time between 12 – 2pm EST is good for me as it comes out to early evening here.

    Michelle Jayes

  64. Philip Davis says:

    Tuesday or Thursday at 2pm EST works for me…

  65. Sylvie says:

    Any day during the week between 7-9 eastern time.


  66. J Jackson says:

    Any time except tonight during 24’s finale or in the middle of the night any other time.

  67. Robert Plank says:

    It looks like the most popular days for webinars are (listed most popular to least popular)…

    Rank #1: Wednesday
    Rank #2: Thursday
    Rank #3: Tuesday
    Rank #4: Friday
    Rank #5: Monday
    Rank #6: Saturday
    Rank #7: Sunday

  68. J Jackson says:

    Oh, and you probably got a lot more than 45 tweets… I retweeted to 5 Twitter accounts but it only shows up as one – the one I was signed into when I did the multi-retweet. Bet others did too.

  69. Robert Plank says:

    Thanks, I really do appreciate it!

  70. andreea says:

    Monday at 10am

  71. Sherm says:

    Tuesday at 4pm PST

    Looking forward to it! Thanks ^_^

  72. Giovanni says:

    After 12 pm,
    good for me

  73. Ann Schilling says:

    Wednesday 7PM Eastern Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  74. Jeff Bode says:

    My schedule has been hectic lately… I’m available most of the day on Wednesday like a lot of the people here

  75. Robert Plank says:

    But what time of the day, Jeff?

    Don’t you have things planned during the day?

  76. Kym Robinson says:

    Gday Robert,

    any day monday to friday – between 6pm – 4 am EST (im on west Oz time so that’ll work)

    really looking forward to more great content form you!

    Thanks in advance!

    Kym – TrafficShowGirl

  77. Michael says:

    Wednesday, 9pm est

  78. Chuck Smith says:

    Wednesday or Thursday, 8pm central

  79. Joyce Hansen says:

    Wednesday 8:00 pm EST

  80. I sent out a retweet through tweetmeme for you as requested.

    I enjoy your content and presentation style very much.


    I am looking forward to the free webinar Robert.


  81. Marcel says:

    Thursday, 8pm EST

  82. Jenni says:

    Hey Robert

    Looking forward to this – I love to be there live as otherwise I don’t get around to watching so… Australian time

    AEST 8am-5pm Tuesday Thursday or Friday

  83. Yeah anytime before 8pm UK time – which means up to 12 noon PST.

    Gotta think of the kids in Europe. We’re about to lead the world, you see*.

    * In debt statistics.

  84. Kath says:

    Mondays at 12noon GMT (evening in the US)-to get me off to a flying and efficient start to the week.
    Looking forward to it.

  85. Robert Plank says:

    The average time you guys have been giving me: 3PM Eastern.

    The most common answer: 2PM Eastern.

    2nd most popular: 4PM Eastern.

    I think I might have to start sharing my webinar times in the Eastern timezone too…

  86. Bill says:

    Any day, beginning anywhere from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Pacific time.

  87. Warren says:

    Every day is a work day. Whatever works for everyone else.

  88. Saul says:

    Everyday start from 5:00 pm.

  89. Gerald S.... says:

    Afternoons are best (PST) anyday but SAT or SUN.

  90. Robert Plank says:

    I’ll put you down for 12PM Pacific (3PM Eastern) then.

  91. Tuesday at 4pm Eastern Thanks
    keep on the good work

  92. Robert Plank says:

    Here are the answers so far…

    Monday: 31 votes (13.2%)
    Tuesday: 38 votes (16.2%)
    Wednesday: 49 votes (20.9%)
    Thursday: 42 votes (17.9%)

    Friday: 31 votes (13.2%)
    Saturday: 23 votes (9.8%)
    Sunday: 21 votes (8.9%)

    It looks like everyone likes webinars in the middle of the week, especially Wednesdays starting at 2PM or 3PM Eastern time.

  93. Lance Tamashiro says:

    A lot of the answers here concern me.


    3:30 pm eastern.


  94. Robert Plank says:


    Why do they concern you?

  95. I work different hours, and we Europeans are accustomed to watching at strange times when Americans are awake.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    That being said, maybe 10PM CET is a good time when you want to attract European users, but maybe you could run several versions of such a webinar.

    Maybe a US webinar at 2 or 3 EST could be feasible, and then you can have a recording available for those who didn’t make it, so they can see the value of joining next time.

    Just a couple of ideas for you. Good luck whichever solution you decide upon. ๐Ÿ™‚

  96. Robert Plank says:


    Thanks for your comment. I have run the same webinar for overseas people, but only got 33% more sales (not 100%) so it wasn’t worth it.

    In a perfect world I would offer free replays on everything but it trains people not to attend live.

  97. John S says:

    Wednesday 7pm EST. That would make it 9am Thursday morning Eastern Australian time.

  98. Naahid says:

    Friday afternoon or midnight is the best time for me

  99. Josef Mack says:

    Hey Robert, sorry, but some of us still have day jobs and can’t make it during the day.

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