Archive for March, 2013

015: Run a Webinar Class to Create Instant Products and Make Recurring Money Online Using GoToWebinar, Camtasia, and PowerPoint

March 30, 201323 Comments

If you want to make a nice bundle of money online in a short amount of time, without doing a lot of work, and help the largest number of your customers at the same time, then you need to run a webinar class. I started doing this in 2008 (the same year I bought my house), more than doubled my online income the following year AND quit my job just a few shorts months after I started doing webinars...

"How to Run a Webinar Class" FREE Report

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Do you like the sound of getting paid for a product before you create it? What about making $497 or $997 per sale instead of a measly $5, $10, or $20? Today we're going to cover how you can use this thing called a live webinar to create information products that make you money before you create them, as you create them, after you create them, and over and over again.

As someone who wants to make money from the information you have, this is the best, the fastest and the most profit-producing way to make money from your knowledge and create these things called information products. Topics covered:

  • The exact steps you need to take today to go from idea to a real life rapid product launch
  • The secret to modularizing your upcoming course (that way it's easy, fast, and fun for you to create -- PLUS your customers get quick and massive results from your training -- so they'll buy from you over and over again)
  • My personal secret to customer engagement, retention, and results that most product creators miss -- but now you have the secret weapon
  • How to run a webinar business so it doesn't take up any longer than 1-hour per week

Check it out right now! This is a "normal-length" episode so you can listen to it even if you're a hurry, this is perfect timing for you if you're sitting on the fence about joining our upcoming Webinar Crusher class and need one last thing to push you over the edge...

014: Generate Unlimited Content, Blog Posts, Articles, Sales Letters, Books, Reports and More, That Make You Money Forever

March 23, 2013

If you've ever had "writer's block", struggled to create that quick 3-minute video, 400-word article, or even a sales letter, print book, or quick email, then you need to tune into today's podcast where I reveal my BEST content creation formulas -- many of them only available (up till now) in my paid products!

"How to Generate Unlimited Content" FREE Report

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Topics covered:

  • How to go into a content creation frenzy any time you want and never deal with "writer's block" ever again
  • How to generate a flood of good ideas, unlock your creativity, and create a store (or "pool") of renewable content anytime you need it
  • How to achieve absolute focus and crank out as much content as you want, as quickly as you want
  • My exact content creation formulas for book chapters (W.W.H.W.), email marketing (P.A.I.N.T.), blogging (R.A.T.G.U.M.), and sales letters (A.I.D.A.)
  • Finding your hook (this is the most important part of content creation that most people overlook)
  • And SO much more that you're going to want to stop everything you're doing and listen in right away!

Important: Once this post gets 10 comments, I'll post the transcript for this episode. Once we get 50 comments, you will no longer be able to post so hurry up and leave your comments right now!

Hint: I recommend listening to the podcast in your iPhone or iTunes app, or clicking the "Play in a New Window" link and listening in a new browser tab, that way you can comment here while you're still listening.

Four Daily Tasks: Focus Yourself, Defeat Overwhelm, and Enjoy Peak Productivity Using a Solution That’s Far Easier Than Time Management

March 15, 201331 Comments

If you've ever found yourself unfocused, unmotivated, unable to get "in the zone" ... you can't break free of procrastination, confusion, overwhelm... there's no time to get anything done... then you have TIME MANAGEMENT issues!

Look, you can either continue what you've been doing (and get the same results you've been getting), or drastically change everything in your life (which we both know won't last for longer than a couple of days) OR you can...

Admit you want to change
Decide what to change, and...
Make SMALL but LASTING improvements
to your everyday life...

To solve the problem, you might have heard advice like this:

  • Create a long to-do list (now you have 100+ items you'll never complete)
  • Say "no" to everything (now I'm bored within my own business)
  • Schedule all activities, including bathroom breaks and free time, into a calendar (but what if I fall behind?)
  • "Learn" about the 80/20 rule, Inbox Zero, Parkinson's Law (cute but how does that help me? And now I'm checking my email every 5 minutes to keep it at Inbox Zero)
  • Delegate, outsource, lifehack
  • Chunk down large tasks
  • Organize your to-do list into A-B-C-D, or "Urgent But Not Important" (now I've spent all week organizing my to-do list or to-do lists)
  • Just get started (gee, why didn't I think of that?)
  • Write everything down on a whiteboard or on hundreds of post-it notes (how will you keep it all organized?)

I believe that you ignore most problems until they become so bad that you NEED to make a change NOW... so you take too-drastic measures, and now the solution is worse than the problem.

The Brutal Truth...

Example: You're 10-15 pounds overweight. Unhappy but comfortable. Not disturbed enough to make any real change. But suddenly, your high school reunion is a month away, or you realize you somehow became 30 pounds overweight without noticing, or you can't fit into that pair of pants...

You vow to stop eating fast food forever, wake up at 5AM every morning and hit the gym for a one hour run every morning.

What happens? You do it for one day, maybe two, until you realize HOW miserable you are. HOW much of a pain it is to wake up so early. Can't you just sleep in this one time? You're so hungry for a Quarter Pounder now... why not just quit?


Now, if your reunion was six months away, and you could REALISTICALLY lose the weight in time... you'd create a clear weight loss goal. Count your calories using an app to track your progress. Limit your portions, substitute one meal per day, swim or walk for a short time every day, get a partner to exercise with you and make yourself accountable to someone who ISN'T participating with you. That sounds to me like better planning.

7 Ways the "Regular" Approach Fails...

The same is true with your business. Most entrepreneurs that fail...

  1. they don't have a clear goal
  2. they don't have a good reason to reach that goal
  3. theydon't have a clear plan to make consistent progress
  4. they have no way to measure their progress towards that goal
  5. they undertake activities that aren't easy and fun (i.e. creating videos and outsource the boring activities like writing)
  6. they have no business partner (or team) to help
  7. they have no accountability partner to report back to (this is a DIFFERENT PERSON than the partner mentioned above)

The time management and productivity systems you've heard of have so many rules, and are so complicated, that the SOLUTION is less fun and more "work" than your old habits. Your old procrastinating ways. You'd rather be comfortable and slightly unhappy, than in unfamiliar territory trying to make some confusing time management system behave the way you want.

You know the type... set that timer and "work" 15 minutes, then take a 5 minute break, then "work" for 20 minutes, and break for 30 minutes... or something like that?

Or... list everything you have to do in a notebook in multiple columns and give yourself a "point" system.

Or... one of the worst, list 100 tasks and then pick the 10 that are the easiest to cross off your list today. Great, now you're just finishing the easy unimportant tasks every day.

The "Real" Easy Answer You're Looking For

Or, how about this? Follow a VERY SIMPLE system so that you don't have to throw your entire way of life out the window and make a few SMALL changes in your everyday lifestyle to point yourself in the right direction...

Here's what will help:

  • 4DT: Complete just four small tasks everyday (three 45-minute tasks and one 10-minute task) and nothing else
  • Calendar: Use Gmail instead of a desktop email program (it's the best solution for labeling, filtering, archiving, and searching for emails), and Google Calendar (to keep track of meetings, product launches, and other "milestone" activities)
  • Accountability: Create your four tasks in the morning (or the night before) and list these to someone who is not a part of your business, but wants you to succeed, like a friend or a spouse. Don't go into detail about what they are, but meet with them at the end of the day so you can explain that you finish each task, or, if you left some unfinished, what was your excuse?

I go into each of these three building blocks in more detail in my new book, "Four Daily Tasks" which you should check out right away. The fact is that this is all you need, and you SHOULDN'T take drastic measures throwing out all the usual rules.

The Most Important Tasks

When you limit yourself to four tasks per day (not 10 or 20) they'll be the most important tasks. Here's what I mean. Let's say this was your task list on Monday night:

  1. Send broadcast message to email list and to Facebook: 10 minutes (DONE!)
  2. Record video seven of new product: 45 minutes. (DONE!)
  3. Contact three new joint venture partners: 45 minutes. (DONE!)
  4. Setup Facebook ads: 45 minutes. (didn't do it, ran out of time)

Then this was Tuesday night:

  1. Send broadcast email and schedule one followup email: 10 minutes. (DONE!)
  2. Record new podcast episode: 45 minutes. (DONE!)
  3. Dictate five new articles: 45 minutes. (DONE!)
  4. Setup Facebook ads: 45 minutes. (didn't do it, ran out of time)

Do you see what happened? Two days in a row, I didn't setup those Facebook ads like I planned. Here's what will happen on Wednesday: I'll either schedule it AGAIN, and not finish it AGAIN, and have to report back to my accountability partner once AGAIN that I didn't finish this task.

Maybe you ran out of time because the other tasks ran longer and you need to either budget your time better, take on smaller tasks, or just get those darned Facebook ads out of the way first thing on Wednesday, to save yourself the embarrassment and disappointment of reporting that, once again, you didn't do it.

OR! You might even leave those Facebook ads OFF the list for Wednesday, because they weren't important in the first place.


The more you use the "Four Daily Tasks" system, the better you'll be focused because your easy task HAS to be done in 10 minutes, and your medium tasks HAVE to be done in 45 minutes.

You'll also find yourself completing more tasks in bulk. Instead of putting out twenty 5-minute fires here and there... like, check Facebook, respond to blog comments, check YouTube, check Twitter... you're doing all those 5-minute tasks back to back so there is no break time, no procrastinating, no switching gears, just finishing everything.

Over time you'll get a good idea of what tasks really do take 45 minutes. You'll have one day after another where you will get all four tasks done, get all four tasks done, get all four tasks done, then look back and notice how many accomplishments that added up to. As opposed to having a 20-item "marathon day" and then taking the rest of the month off.


Because you built up this momentum, it's now hard to stop! Because you're moving in the direction you want, there's less overwhelm, less indecision, you'll get good at making snap decisions and you'll have renewed drive and focus like never before.

I need to stress that these must be four tasks in your BUSINESS, not in your personal or home life. They need to have DELIVERABLES, such as, write chapter 7 of book, and not "degrees of doneness" such as, "write 90% of book" or "edit web page." These need to be accomplishments that you can literally PROVE if you had to.

I've tried all the other "extreme" time management systems. They didn't last for me, and they didn't last for most people. I ended up spending my time on non-money-making tasks, I'd have trouble finishing tasks, trouble starting tasks, or accomplishing goals here and there but not actually PROGRESSING in the direction I wanted, if that makes sense.

Everything Changed When I Simplified It!

And if you find yourself completing four tasks every single weekday (or every day you choose to build your business), you've organized your life in Gmail and a Google Calendar, and you've created a private Team Site to share tasks with an accountability partner, there are a few more milestones you can use to inch yourself even closer to Peak Productivity:

  • Countdown Timer: use a program like Cool Timer to countdown the amount of time you have left to make sure you stay on task and finish on time
  • Unplug Days (for family): decide in advance which days of the week will be 100% dedicated to yourself or your family. This means no checking email, Facebook, or even cell phones
  • Hotseat Computer (with no TV next to it): speaking of taking breaks, LEAVE the computer, leave your office and possibly go outside between tasks. That way, when you return to your computer, you can sit down, knock out the next task for today, and then leave the computer again before you have time to distract yourself with email or social media
  • Camtasia Babysitter: if you're really trying to overcome a focus problem, use a tool like Camtasia Recorder to literally record yourself completing a task. You'd be surprised at how well this gets you in gear!
  • Clean Desk: don't spend too much time on this, but clear out all the papers, clutter, and notes on your desk and at least store them away in a drawer or file cabinet so you aren't distracted and can dedicate yourself to the task at hand
  • Cautious Outsourcing: hire someone to manage the parts of your business that you don't enjoy, or can't do, like customer support, traffic, copywriting, graphics, or email marketing
  • Self-Awareness (turn "needs" into "wants"): the bottom line is that you aren't going to make any lasting change on yourself unless you gain pleasure from it and you enjoy it, so don't "force" yourself to take any action and if you find yourself stressed, confused, or just not having fun, then find out why you're not getting closer to your goal and what you can do in order to look forward to the day and eagerly knock out the tasks you have in front of you

That's the simple Four Daily Tasks approach that took me from a lazy, bored, unproductive person into someone who makes a lot more money, puts in a lot less hours, and has a lot more fun building my business.

Which of these components will you use, or have you already used, in your everyday life to achieve your goals and get to where you want to be?

013: Create and Sell Software on the Internet

March 9, 201320 Comments

If you've ever thought about creating and selling software in your niche but don't know a single line of code... or, if you've been wondering how to gain an advantage over your competitors (authors, speakers, coaches, and information marketer) then look no further to creating your own simple software.

"How to Create and Sell Software" FREE Report

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It's a lot easier, faster, and cheaper than you might think, and I want to tell you all about it in today's EXTENDED LENGTH edition of the Robert Plank Show. Topics covered:

  • The secrets of creating a "simpleware" 1-button solution to vaccinate your sales against your competition
  • Why you'll sell a lot more copies of your software product (hint: this works in any niche) compared to selling information (it's all about the live demo)
  • The four types of software ideas including: a better solution to an existing problem (webinar service that uses S3, Twilio transcription service), simplify an existing process (WordPress screen capture plugin), combine multiple solutions (WP Security plus, podcast creation app, Kindle/CreateSpace/Kunaki cover generator), add-on to your existing product (Setup a Fan Page fangate & artwork creator, WordPress desktop installer, content feed service)
  • How you too can create and sell your own software even if you can't code, no matter niche you're in... for example: real estate (mortgage calculator, listings tracker, geotargeted landing pages), weight loss (30 day meal plan, calorie counter, juicing log), self help (time management clock, mad libs productivity hypnosis)
  • How to create a software spec -- no matter what kind of software you're creating -- that forces you to make "tough" decisions early (in plain English), decide what platform (i.e. web-based membership site, WordPress plugin, Adobe Air, iPhone app), data structure, user stories, and limits your initial features (in a good way)
  • How to hire the right person to create your software including interview questions, the "whittling down" method, mini-projects, along with the exact "avatar" you'd want to hire in your business
  • How to launch your software product in a marketplace such as the Apple App Store Android Store, Clickbank,, etc.
  • And more!

Please listen and leave a comment below.

P.S. Any "unhelpful" comments about the length of the podcast, whether you do or don't like music in the podcast, whether you prefer PDF reports to podcasts, will be deleted. However, any positive OR NEGATIVE comments will be left here as long as they helpfully contribute to the conversation.

P.P.S. Once I get 10 comments on this post, I'll attach the PDF transcript for your personal reference.

Overcome Self Sabotage: Become the Person You’ve Always Wanted To Be & Get Back to What Really Matters in Life

March 2, 201327 Comments

Have you at some point felt (even for a little while) like you were...

  • being pulled in different directions?
  • that there's just no point in continuing your online business?
  • that there's way too much noise, fog, and confusion, so you don't know what to do next?
  • that if you only had a better outlook about your daily life, things would be better?
  • taking SOME action (like buying a new product, or writing half a blog post) but as soon as you didn't "something" ... you slowed down?
  • losing all momentum after hitting just one simple roadblock such as what price to charge, what to name your product or what time of the day to mail?
  • making too many mistakes to continue on this course?

You're in luck, because if you've ever felt like you were in any one of these situations, if you've given up all hope and you needed a little bit of a boost, I think this will help you.

The reason why most of us internet marketers fail, and keep having to get back on course, is this thing called self-sabotage. If you found it easy to make $500 per month online, but $1000 seems like a lot of work, that's self-sabotage and you don't even know it. If you get more uncomfortable the more money you make, that's self-sabotage!

To fix it, I'm not going to give you some cheesy motivational quotes like...

"I haven't failed.
I've just found 10,000 ways to make a light bulb that don't work."
-- Thomas Edison

Or tell you silly story after story about how most things were discovered accidentally... (microwave ovens, velcro, corn flakes, penicillin, all on accident).

I'm also not going to blame you or try to tell you it's all your fault and you "should just snap out of it" because that's not the advice you need to get you to where you need to go. What will get you past it? Breaking down the problem so you can identify what "type" of self-sabotage you are experiencing and fix it.

Chances are you experience more than one of these types, but for now let's fix JUST ONE! It's not your fault. You just need to discover which of your sabotaging activities need a little ADJUSTING.

Self-Sabotage Explained

Here's the thing. Your ancestors were trained to live life carefully. Think about it. If a caveman 100,000 years ago had a fear of heights, he probably stayed away from cliffs and lived to procreate.


Fear of snakes, fear of dogs, wolves, bears, fear of enclosed spaces, fear of the dark... all PROTECTION mechanisms. Back in Neanderthal Times, if you found a tribe, made friends, blended in, and didn't cause too much trouble, you were far safer than trying to survive on your own.

If things in life weren't quite right, it was "better" to try to adjust to a life of unhappiness, rather than changing your situation... that might get you killed.

Fast forward to the present day where over 99% of the population made up of clock-punching, cubicle-dwelling zombies, which is a "safe" place to be, until you're trying to make a living online, and then it's time to fight those survival instincts and take a little bit of a risk.

It's easier to focus on negative things as a way of NOT taking action and playing it safe, but with these new rules, you're trying to solve your existing problems and in turn you're CAUSING new problems. You're trying to motivate yourself, start a business, make new contacts, create products, and build a list... all which goes AGAINST your "playing it safe" instincts!

Here are the four forms of self-sabotage that keep you poor. Remember, these aren't just four scenarios I made up... I've compiled the responses from surveys I've run over the past several years and from other surveys and I've grouped them together into parts that make sense...

  • Type #1: Priorities (procrastination, reacting, delusions)
  • Type #2: Habits (drama, slippery slope thinking, debbie downer attitude, cognitive dissonance)
  • Type #3: Emotions (stress, overwhelm, boredom)
  • Type #4: Meaning (victim thinking, embarrassment, living vicariously)

You'll understand this setup in a minute. Basically, your priorities and your systems are what LEAD you into self-sabotage, your habits cause you to REPEAT that self-sabotage, your negative emotions are the BI-PRODUCT of this sabotage, and the meaning is what you use to JUSTIFY your behavior over and over again.

Change just one of these factors... you change your thinking and your actions. Identify which of these is your WORST problem and now you're moving towards a positive change.


Delusion: You have skewed views of the world, end goals, and you're clinging to unrealistic expectations and lies. You either exaggerate or downplay problems with your business, money, self, relationships, or your health.

Procrastination: You let "little everyday tasks" get in the way of what really matters. Maybe you said, I can't do "this" until I have "that" and "that." You waited until the last minute (or even worse, too late) to start, to make any decision, and you didn't think long term.

Reacting: You act impulsively. One crisis starts up and you quickly change your entire business, without thinking about the real consequences.


Cognitive Dissonance: Have you ever thought one thing, but said another? This is called lying, acting, and uncertainty. If you've started on a path that you now regret, and you want to change but can't, you might have thought it was easier to "pretend" or continue doing what you're doing... until you've decided... I've had enough, I'm not doing, thinking, or saying what I want to do and say!

Debbie Downer: Misery loves company! If your current life situation sucks, it is easier to do the right thing and correct it? Or... is it more tempting to do the "lazy" thing and focus on everything negative? To tear others down and pull them down to YOUR level, instead of helping?


To criticize, judge, and even become jealous of everything "good" in the world. In a way, you're training yourself to become "happy" when everyone (including you) is angry and sad!

Drama: You're addicted to the "struggle" and feel the need to be in constant chaos in order to be alive, awake, and have something to do. Either you're the person who starts up drama, or instigate it from others, this is your form of sabotage!

Your need to create drama leads to you going down one "slippery slope" after another. If one little thing doesn't go your way, then everything is in shambles. Let's say you were on a very careful diet, and on top of that you woke up early and made sure to visit the gym one hour every day. But wait! One day, you simply don't have time to go to the gym. Now, what's the point of anything? You cancel your gym membership, eat a gallon of ice cream and throw away your alarm clock.


Stress: You worry too much, and in fact, you've created problems out of events that haven't happened yet. You overestimated the risk of something simple like sending an email, or making a forum or blog post. Did you waste an entire week "mulling over" a purchase or waste a month "thinking about" taking that trip? Even after you made that decision, you kept obsessing over it... not just wasting your own time but getting yourself worked up in the process.

Overwhelm: Isn't it possible that you've let stress get in your way (under-confidence), but in yet other situations, the LACK of stress (over-confidence) has hurt you? You started too many projects, didn't keep deadlines, had no consistent routine, and you might have let others distract you from your target goal. Which THEN led to stress, procrastination, and bad habits in the future.

Boredom: Also tying back in with cognitive dissonance AND building on procrastination, let's say you started a project 6 months ago and you weren't able to finish what you started. All that time wasted! Plus, it's easier for you to give up on your next project. And the next, and the next! Then it becomes easier to give up, lose focus, and get distracted by other bright shiny objects.


Victim Thinking: Here's a weird one. You were taught even as a little kid to be selfless and put others before you, right? But what if took it to the extreme and put EVERYONE before you, even when it hurt you and your business? You always put yourself last, which conveniently meant you didn't have to take any action for yourself. Think about it... it's "easier" to spend all day helping others for free, or being a busybody on a public forum, than taking of your OWN action, right? That's scary!

Unfortunately, that's not sustainable. You've always put yourself last so NOW it feels like you're always last, everyone is better than you, you've given yourself an inferiority complex.

Embarrassment: You didn't ask for help along the way. You'd "heard" of that before. How hard could it be? You didn't assert yourself, you didn't admit you needed help, and you didn't assert your needs and desires!

Living Vicariously: This is dangerous! Isn't it true that you can watch a TV show or a movie, or even hear about stories from a friend, and feel almost as if you've experienced those things? It's dangerous because it allows others to live your life for you. You don't have to take risks, you don't have to take action, just hear stories and your thirst is quenched, right?

Until... you start comparing yourself to others. You think, that person just turned 21 years of age. What was I doing when I was 21? They're finishing college, what was I doing then? They just hit the 100k per year mark, they just had their first kid, where was I at that point?

I know I promised no cheesy quotes, but this one applies perfectly:

"Don't compare yourself to anyone in this world.
If you do so, you are insulting yourself."
-- Bill Gates

Here is self-sabotage explained in a table:

PRIORITIES Delusion Procrastination Reacting
HABITS Cognitive Dissonance Debbie Downer Drama
EMOTIONS Stress Overwhelm Boredom
MEANING Victim Thinking Embarrassment Living Vicariously

Laying it out on this table helps ME just as much as it helps YOU. Why? Because when it comes to self-improvement, there is no such thing as "permanently" fixing any of your problems. It's far too easy to regress back into old habits and forget what tools you used to use to make you into a successful person. You'd be surprised at how many successful people, including me, including Lance, still need to listen to tapes or still need to talk to people when we're having a down day or a down week.

How to Overcome Your Problems!

The first thing you need to do is realize where you need the most help. If you try to go out and "stop self-sabotage" ... you aren't going to get anywhere. It's like fighting the "war on drugs" ... impossible on its own but it is possible to attack one person or attack one area.

Let's say you take one look at that table and you think, my problem is that I'm being a Debbie Downer. That's a habit that affects others so how about, just for today only, I make it a point to not say anything negative? Or if you're constantly overwhelmed, you need to realize why that is and change the actions that lead to that point, such as over-commitment.

If you need to solve one of your bad habits:

  1. Take a vacation. Take weekends off, go somewhere out of the house, out of town, outside your usual environment, to clear your head
  2. Attend an event or a seminar. This also gets you out of your usual space, allows you to think and see things differently, and get you around better role models
  3. Replace new habits with the ones you're deleting
  4. Fix just one thing in your life for now, don't try to drastically change everything, because that won't stick!

To fix your priorities:

  1. Get a better support system. Trusted people like your friends, family, mentor and mastermind
  2. Get out more. Find a better mentor if your current one isn't suiting you, listen to self-improvement or training audios every now and then, and buy an hour of coaching if you are stuck and need help
  3. Break your problems apart into manageable pieces
  4. Make decisions quickly but change decisions slowly

To take better care of your emotions:

  1. Limit the amount of "toxic thoughts" you have including being jealous of people or "trash talking" others
  2. Leave your comfort zone whenever you want to make a real change and reach the next milestone in your business and your life
  3. Remove anything in your life that you feel is dragging you down or holding you back
  4. Push yourself to get outside your "money zone" ... the point where you earn more money than you normally would and your subconscious tries to put the brakes on your effort and your income

To change the meaning of your life:

  1. Find a great Reason-Why. I've had plenty of mentors who went from being lazy, to taking real action once they finally had a great reason to build a real business and take life seriously. Events like divorce, children, financial hardship, age... sprung these people into action. When it hurts enough, you'll make a change!
  2. Consider the bigger picture, pick your battles and think about the point of view of others
  3. Combine pleasurable and non-pleasurable activities (I like do the dishes while playing music)
  4. Clean out the clutter

I hope that helps you to get out of your own way and get everything you've ever wanted.

Where are you experiencing self-sabotage with yourself and with your own business? You don't have to be too specific if you don't want to, but this is your chance to complain... as long as you tell me what you're going to do to fix it! Please comment below.

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