014: Generate Unlimited Content, Blog Posts, Articles, Sales Letters, Books, Reports and More, That Make You Money Forever

If you've ever had "writer's block", struggled to create that quick 3-minute video, 400-word article, or even a sales letter, print book, or quick email, then you need to tune into today's podcast where I reveal my BEST content creation formulas -- many of them only available (up till now) in my paid products!

"How to Generate Unlimited Content" FREE Report

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Topics covered:

  • How to go into a content creation frenzy any time you want and never deal with "writer's block" ever again
  • How to generate a flood of good ideas, unlock your creativity, and create a store (or "pool") of renewable content anytime you need it
  • How to achieve absolute focus and crank out as much content as you want, as quickly as you want
  • My exact content creation formulas for book chapters (W.W.H.W.), email marketing (P.A.I.N.T.), blogging (R.A.T.G.U.M.), and sales letters (A.I.D.A.)
  • Finding your hook (this is the most important part of content creation that most people overlook)
  • And SO much more that you're going to want to stop everything you're doing and listen in right away!

Important: Once this post gets 10 comments, I'll post the transcript for this episode. Once we get 50 comments, you will no longer be able to post so hurry up and leave your comments right now!

Hint: I recommend listening to the podcast in your iPhone or iTunes app, or clicking the "Play in a New Window" link and listening in a new browser tab, that way you can comment here while you're still listening.

Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016PodcastProduct CreationTrafficWriting
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Comments (42)

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  1. Victor says:

    Absolutely one of the most giving and high integrity experts on internet marketing.
    Robert and lance give there all to push us to succeed. It is like following the dots. We just have to make the commitment to do the work!

    Thanks Robert & Lance for all that you do for us, I personally appreciate it!


  2. Barry Ferguson says:

    Wow! I learned more in that hour of free content than I did from any other PDF or book in the past two years. You explained the whole strategy in an easy step-by-step approach that makes it so easy for my content to get written fast as well as making it what people want to learn from. Robert, you are an excellent teacher and I have learned quite a lot from you.


  3. Scott Atwood says:

    We create unique content as a starting point in our local SEO efforts. Thanks for the breakdown of the process. You cracked me up when you got to the teacher that assigned the “long as it has to be” essay. Your structured advice is right on. My comment: listen to the podcast. It is “super sized” (60mins) and contains more content creation advice than you imagine. This is a perfiect example of content that works wonderfully as a Podcast! I watched the NCAA and listened!

  4. Carl Picot says:

    Hey Robert

    That was a really useful Podcast

    I’m just listening to it again actually as it’s just where I am at the moment and I need to get my content out there.

    Thanks for continuing to provide great advice to lead us onward πŸ™‚



  5. John says:

    You’ve nailed it again Robert! This came just at the right time because I’m cranking out a report this weekend and your writing structure is golden.

    You’re a beast (100 400-word articles in a day?). Yeah, you’d have to have a system to accomplish something like that. Thank you for sharing it Rob. You’re a great teacher (even though you’ve had your battles with teachers in the past). :0)


  6. Laurie Mills says:

    Again WOW, great info again and again.

    Better get 10 comments or this one will end up being converted to another product, lol. It’s that good I believe.

    Thanks again Robert.


  7. Barbara Gathany says:

    Robert, great podcast. I learned so much about creating content…much more than from any other source I have seen or purchased.

  8. Dapo says:

    Very Interesting blog, like it.

  9. Thanks for this podcast RB – great to hear a positive voice in this world wide economic slow down on a slowdown super duper content tips

  10. Awesome stuff Robert! I think this is one of the biggest hurdles for anyone in IM as, even if you’ve got to grips with all the other aspects, getting ideas for something to create and having the confidence to put it together and get it out there can be an obstacle. I’m still working on it myself! But I’m hoping to have my first product out soon πŸ™‚

  11. Wayne Brooks says:

    Content is still king and the need for effective ways to create it will always add value to the marketplace. Looking forward to what you have to share.

  12. Wilton White says:


    You provided some GREAT strategies and actionable information for generating content! Your methods will dramatically reduce the time it takes to create articles, reports, and books. It also makes the entire process a bit more fun as well. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Mark Salmon says:

    Hi Robert,

    The message I got from your podcast was the importance of systemising everything through creating a structure for content creation.

    Once the structure has been created, it is easy enough to ‘fill in the picture’ to complete the project. (I particularly liked the technique of asking and answering questions when creating the chapters for a book.)

    There is no reason why anyone can’t create their own systems and structures if they just care to think about it for a few moments but in the meantime we can test out yours.

    Saw this quote by Louis L’Amour today ‘ Start writing no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on’.

    I think this is just another way of saying that you don’t always know what will arrive on the paper until you start writing. However, by adhering to systems, like the ones you mention, it will be easier to ‘turn the faucet on’ and to provide structured and valuable content.

  14. Nancy says:

    Robert, your content is always solid gold and I can’t wait to see what you did this time. I honestly am humbled by how much quality content you deliver, consistently, that really really helps. Thank you for leading the way.

  15. Vekoslav says:

    That is a useful Podcast, thanks. I’m just listening to it again…very informative.

  16. Stanley Day says:

    This is an amazingly valuable podcast. There is so much information contained here, it is impossible for me to digest it in one go. I have downloaded it so I can listen to it over and over again. I am really thankful for being able to access this information and will be following Robert Plank very closely from now on.

  17. Lana Hawkins says:


    Thank you so much for providing your strategies. Hearing this kind of information always gets me fired up and back on track.

    And very timely too because I need to create or recreate more content for my site.

    I really like your site overall. It seems I am coming back often because you have great content.


  18. Robert says:

    That is a lot of good content and tips how to create great content. Thank you Robert for that. I really need to listen it carefully to make sure I’ll use every single second of the content in the future.
    This is what I needed and I will use for sure.

  19. Billy Holder says:

    Talk about a great podcast!

    Man, you really dropped some awesome NUGGETS of information that will help anyone overcome any barriers they may have when it comes to content creation.

    Very Actionable!

    Think I will go finish that kindle book I have been working on:)

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. Robert has done it again. In really simple way, he shows how we can be more productive and overcome the blocks that stop our creativity!

  21. Phill says:

    Thanks Robert, I always have trouble when it comes to content creation but now with the absolute gold mine of info you have provided I will be knocking this stuff outta the ball park.
    Just to say thanks again


  22. Lindsey says:

    Very nice! It has been a while since I checked out your content, and I was quite impressed! A very timely podcast indeed!

    I hope to connect with you more!

  23. Ced Reynolds says:

    It does seem a little scary when we first get started publishing our content. When we write from our passion, the words just seem to show up at the write time. I’m with you Robert, it’s about getting our content out there in various formats as much as we can.

    Looking forward to your future content.

    Ced Reynolds, Entrepreneurial Pastor

  24. Bert says:

    Thanks for helping me solve my worst problem: writers’ block. Although I enjoy writing, I do have quite a time getting into a project. Having some kind of structure to it, like your “3 steps” or “3 things” idea, really helps me find the time I thought I didn’t have. While I have over 120 articles at EzineArticles.com, it took me about 5 years to get there! Having 500 articles still sounds a little intimidating to me, but you make it sound so doable!

    Now I’m going to download this podcast and listen to it again.


  25. Hi Robert I was listening to How to Easily Generate Unlimited Content, Blog Posts, Articles, Sales Letters, Books, Reports and More, That Make You Money Forever [Podcast #014] in my car and could not wait to get home and re-listen to this podcast so that I could start using these fantastic tips.

    You laid out such juicy easy to follow steps that I have now got my book chapters down and I am ready to write it out and get it published. These tips were so simple and make so much sense.
    I was struggling with blog posts as well and quite frankly stopped writing. With these great tips I am excited to start blogging again!

    Thank you for the simple structure that makes so much sense!


  26. Berta says:

    I haven’t had time to listen to the Podcast #014 yet, all the talk about it makes me want to listen to it asap. Sounds like it will be super.

  27. Caitlin says:

    This is amazing–transcribe please!

  28. Angie Rammer says:

    Thanks Robert — excellent timing!

  29. Thank you Robert
    Your advice to just right to the point

    I 1st knew you through a guest post on the marketers board site,came to your site and saw a very important and practical post about how to conquer procrastination

    Thank you man ,its was like gem for me

    Eslam Talaat

  30. Dave says:

    Frankly I’ve always had a problem figuring out how Interest is different from Desire in AIDA. Seems like the former is merely a lukewarm version of the latter and not distinctly different.

  31. Robert Plank says:


    They are very different. Interest is setting up the problem, Desire is the solution.

    End the “interest” section by introducing of your solution, and start the “desire” phrase with an explanation of the pieces of your solution.

  32. Dave says:

    See that right there in a single sentence you’ve delineated the difference more succinctly then I’ve seen before. And that includes your own materials. Though your explanation makes me want to find a replacement for D.

    The line of demarcation between D & A is a bright line easy for all to see. And you just knocked out the transition from I to D. With the same type of verbiage can you do the same for A to I transition?

    For me A has just always meant the headline and the text that directly supports it. And it doesn’t sound materially different then your description of Interest: setting up the problem. If anything, the way you describe Interest makes it sound like it should come *before* Attention.

    No transcript yet?

  33. Ali Bierman says:

    With over 1000 articles on ezinearticles. I have been creating books on the spot as you suggest. But I didn’t have a formula as neat and clean and SEO friendly as what you present.
    Thank you Robert. Can always count on you to have a different spin on things.

    BTW, I LOVE the paper template. I had been fooing with it for years but it was never consistent. Now – right there when I want it.

  34. Hey Robert
    Just strange question here

    I am jealous of how ppl add their own pix
    with their comments

    How can I add mine ? :0)

  35. Robert Plank says:

    I’ve just posted the transcript of the podcast in the post… it’s the “free report” link you see there.

    SuperAchiever: go to http://www.gravatar.com and register for an account. Make sure you register using the same email address you use when you leave a blog comment here. You will be able to upload a picture that will appear on your comments here.

  36. K Harmon says:

    That’s about 66 wpm for 10 hours a day, unless my math is screwy. Impressive, but my fingers would fall off. lol I have to say though, that your free report on how to create this content, why and how to use it is just about the greatest condensed information I’ve seen on the whole content process. Thanks for making it free.

  37. Smitty says:

    Nice freebie report. Creating good content fast is one of the best skills to have if you want to ever make money on the internet. Every place you post – even your link – you are creating content. Writing that many articles in such a short amount of time is insanely impressive. Your rule of threes makes it seem more like industrial manufacturing, which might be just the right thing to do for more content.

  38. Chris says:

    Great info in this podcast and report, and I clicked through to the one about writing an article in 6 minutes too. Absolute gold. I think the thing that keeps stopping people from churning out quality content is the feat that they’re not doing it right or not doing it well enough. Waste of time.

  39. Debbie says:

    A great way to make writing faster for those who can’t type so much? Voice recognition software. Just a tip! Your tips, though are much better. I like the type of formula article writing system you have. Should make things easier!

  40. Eran Malloch says:

    Hi Robert,

    I’ve been listening to your podcast in the car this morning.

    Some good stuff and in particular, I really like the formula WWHW.

    You talk about using it for writing books, but I assume it’s perfectly fine to use as a formula for just writing standalone short articles (under 1000 words)?

    Or is it better suited for longer content pieces because it often requires more space to answer each section of WWHW?

    I have a team of NON-writers (i.e. newbs) that I need to get involved in creating content for me on a regular basis, and a formula like this (if it’s suitable) would be perfect to help them understand how & what to write.

    Any tips on perhaps making it suitable for shorter content pieces (say 500 words)?

    Thanks in advance for your answer, and keep up the great work!


  41. Michelle says:

    I have never had a problem coming up the ideas for writing articles but where I have problems is having the time to write them. Your strategies Robert will help me to manage that problem and I am looking forward to learning more from you and churning about more business management articles to help my audience. Thank you and regards Michelle

  42. magnificent put up, very informative. I wonder why the opposite experts of this sector do not realize
    this. You must continue your writing. I’m sure, you have a great readers’ base

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