Archive for December, 2016

199: Financial Gravity: Lower Taxes and Higher Profits with John Pollock

December 9, 2016


John Pollock from Financial Gravity wants to help you save on your taxes, since accountants and bookkeepers aren't trained for that. He has some unique insights on how you can get a tax blueprint to proactively plan your finances.

Be sure to text "TAXBOOK" to phone number 33-4444 for a free bonus.

198: Practice Happy Now: Tap into Your Subconscious Mind, Crack the Ego Code, and Discover Emotional Laws with Rene Brent

December 8, 2016


Hypnotist Rene Brent, from Practice Happy Now, is a professional garage door opener. She believes that your brain is running an old program and can help you to get rid of false beliefs. She wants you to allow your subconscious mind to move you away from pain and towards pleasure.


197: Million Dollar Platform: Create a Dream Business, Find Your Specialty, and Scale Your Business with Newsletter Guru Jim Palmer

December 7, 2016


Jim Palmer is the Newsletter Guru and Dream Business Coach. He believes marketers should setup a Million Dollar Platform that includes email marketing, ezines, newsletters, and more. Many people lack focus and aren't finding their best customers. You should also mail a 4-page physical newsletter once a month to your best customers to retain those customers and get yourself some repeat, high-ticket sales.

196: Generate Targeted Leads and Put Sales in the Pipeline: Outbound Email Marketing, Phone Closing and Objection Handling with Dan Englander

December 6, 2016


Dan Englander from has some great information for you about marketing funnels and automation. Dan lands many new clients using outbound email marketing, virtual assistants, and phone closing.

He also has used some unique strategies to land new business. For example, he's contacted up-and-coming tech companies mentioned on CrunchBase or checking job posting on sites like Indeed and AngelList, who needed services such as animation videos. He also walks us through his process of qualifying his process, getting those leads to the proposal stage, feeling them out with test closes, handling objects and feedback, and more.

195: Rock, Paper, Simple: Create a Marketing-Focused Website in Seven Easy Steps with Joshua Adams

December 5, 2016


Joshua Adams from Rock Paper Simple wants his agency to help you create a marketing-focused website that's them-centric, with clear navigation, that speaks directly to visitors and makes conversions. Be sure to claim his free self audit worksheet to find out how your website measures up.


Seven steps to creating a marketing-focused website:

1. Shut up and listen (know thyself, benefits, goals)
2. Plan for results (design, words, pages)
3. Direct traffic (differentiate value of pages, decide on three most important services, call-to-action on homepage/sidebar)
4. Them-centric copy (wording that's beneficial to them)
5. Convert (phone number, working form, less fields)
6. Simplify navigation
7. Rock the visuals


194: The Voice Formula: Captivate the Room and Become a More Interesting Speaker with Tracy Goodwin

December 2, 2016


Tracy Goodwin from Captivate the Room can help you become a better speaker by improving your voice. Tracy says that your voice's muscle memory can be trained. You can retrain those good speaking habits that you might have previously lost over time and rediscover your real voice.

Many people have incorrectly tempered their voice, leading to that "stuck in the back of your throat" speaking style with dropped endings on sentences. Others forget to have tempering variety and still others forget to breathe when speaking.

Tracy wants you to speak with a pattern of unpredictability, to show vulnerability and be authentic. Break down your speaking strengths and weaknesses into the five elements of variety:

1. pausing
2. elongation
3. pitch
4. volume
5. speed

193: Madly Chasing Peace: Use 3×3 Focused Meditation to Find Inner Peace and Wisdom with Dina Proctor

December 1, 2016


Dina Proctor, author of Madly Chasing Peace, wants you to meditate in short bursts: just three minutes, three times a day. Dina was battling clinical depression, planning her suicide and dealing with alcohol addiction when she began to sit still and focus on her breathing for just a few minutes a day.

After eight weeks, that nagging inner voice in her head was gone and she was able to focus on every activity at hand. She found that inner peace and wisdom, and wants to show you how to do the same.

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