Archive for April, 2017

289: Marketing Multipliers: Masterminds, Direct Mail, Membership Sites, Copywriting, Freelancing, Newsletters and Networking with Kevin Donlin

April 14, 2017

Kevin Donlin from has been an online copywriter and direct response master for over 23 years. Copywriting is salesmanship multiplied, and Kevin has tons of amazing advice about how to write copy (and web pages), that get attention and sell. Sell with a credible deadline, don't devalue your offers, and use clear (simple) wording.


288: Humanistic Business Management: Find Perspective, Compassion, and Reason in Your Customers and Team Members with Jennifer Hancock

April 13, 2017

Jennifer Hancock from wants to teach you humanistic business management, which means you integrate ethics and critical thinking when dealing with team members, contractors, or even cranky customers. Stop rewarding bad behavior, and instead, examine how you respond (and what you reinforce), use confident body language, and finally, be calm, measured, and direct.

Jennifer says that angry customers respond in one of three stats: a child state (where you respond that you want to help but need to wait until they calm down), an adult state (where they are calm and professional), or a depressed state (where they "ghost" you).

287: Empire Flippers: Buy, Sell, and Flip Web Properties (Including Shopify E-Commerce Stores, Amazon FBA and Kindle Businesses) with Justin Cooke

April 12, 2017

Justin Cooke from Empire Flippers and the Web Equity Show has a marketplace to help you buy or sell a web business. His service has not only sold standalone websites, but also Amazon Associates, Kindle, and FBA businesses. Listen in as he tells you what pitfalls to avoid as both a buyer and seller.

286: How to Build Huge Product Lines on Amazon and Flip FBA Businesses with Sophie Howard

April 11, 2017

Sophie Howard from Aspiring Entrepreneurs sold one US Amazon account in mid 2016 for over 7-figures USD. She developed the Minimum Viable Brand for physical products to be sold online at premium prices and scale fast. She loves sourcing products from around the world, usually in places where no one else is looking.

285: The Wholesale Formula: The Superior Alternative to Retail Arbitrage and Private Labeling on Amazon with Dan Meadors

April 10, 2017

Dan Meadors from The Wholesale Formula sells products on Amazon. But he wasn't satisfied with retail arbitrage (buying products at discount stores and selling them on Amazon) or private labeling (creating a branded physical product). Instead, Dan works with existing brands to get them more reach on Amazon.

He discusses his thought process (find products that Amazon doesn't sell themselves, sells 50-60 per month, and he'll start with a monthly volume of $500-$600 per month). Many times, Dan find some easy low hanging fruit and improves the product description, adds images and bullet points. He also looks for add-ons that complement that Amazon product.


284: Build a Side Income Using Uber and Lyft with the Rideshare Guy Harry Campbell

April 7, 2017

Harry Campbell is The Rideshare Guy who is an expert on ridesharing, which is basically peer-to-peer transportation. Anyone (including you) can register to become an Uber (or Lyft) driver using the app, and earn a side income driving your car around. There are also options for things like UberEats (food delivery), Turo (rent your car or rent cars from individuals), and Postmates (peer to peer package delivery). Harry also discusses the Mystro app that combines Uber and Lyft into one app for you. You're in for a real treat with this episode, so be sure to tune in if you haven't already.

283: Generate Income Out of Thin Air By Creating a Business Accelerator with Kickstarter and Indiegogo Crowdfunding Strategist Khierstyn Ross

April 6, 2017

Khierstyn Ross from is a crowfunding specialist who can make your Kickstarter or Indiegogo online fundraising campaign a huge success. She visits us today to talk about beta launch validation. Get on the phone with the customers on your list, not to sell, just to get feedback. Find out what they're struggling with, and have them give you a reason why they "wouldn't" buy from you to gauge those objections. She also talks to us about the success of her private webinars and 6-week courses.



282: Get Attention, Traffic, Leads and Sales from Podcasting

April 5, 2017

Are you familiar with Mr. Jackass? I think you are...

Haven't you ever scrolled past a Facebook video, or maybe a YouTube video, or even listened to a podcast, and thought to yourself...

"THAT jackass (Mr. Jackass) is getting all kinds of popularity and I could do way better than that"

Then this is the most important course you'll ever join today -- price increases at 11:59pm Eastern time TONIGHT:

Join Podcast Crusher: $127 Now, Soon to Be $147

(Seriously, the price increases in just a few hours from $127 to $147, so you are about to lose 20 bucks just because you waited when we both know you should have jumped on this.)

And here's why it's important that you create a podcast (iTunes radio show) even if that means a couple short (5 minute) audio only episodes this year:

First, the Popularity of "Mr. Jackass" Is On the Rise

And you're probably wondering... what can I do to get that sort of attention on my marketing and my websites, if not more?

What can I do to avoid being passed over, lost in the crowd?

Second, You May Have Been Told to "Get Out More"

They tell you to network more, or maybe even land yourself some affiliates or joint venture partners...

This is just my opinion, but in the last few years, offline marketing events have been either too small (just a handful of people so you don't get to meet the people you need to meet) or THOUSANDS of people, and it's such a huge event that you and "that next partner (or client) of yours" never get a chance to meet just because there are so many dang people in attendance!

Also, many of those social groups (cliques) have already been established, so those people who would be a perfect match for your business might not give you the time of day. Heck, even if you find that special someone (business-wise)... what the heck do you say to them? "Here's my URL, mail to my stuff?"

Here's what's always worked for me: I tell the person, "When you get home, email me and we'll record a 20-minute podcast episode talking about you and what you do." (They usually have a business card to give me, so I can follow up if they forget.)

You don't even have to attend offline events if you don't want to. Email marketers you know, and even people who are guests on other podcasts. Good luck sending a "cold email" to get someone to buy from you. But a cold email to land a podcast guest to help THEM promote their business? Easy...

This is what's great about this strategy: if they flake and the interview (over Skype) never happens, that "candidate" just weeded themselves out. If the interview goes great, you have an "in" with them and they now owe you a favor, because you promoted them first. And, if you decide that person was a dud or you're just too busy to partner with them, you have an "out" (to not do business with them) because you already did your part to get your word out about them...

Just imagine, just for fun, if you had landed a young Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Gary Vee, Tim Ferriss, Pat Flynn, Jeff Bezos or Grant Cardone on your show for a quick 20 minute chat? Before they were famous and while they were still on their way up?

Doesn't it make sense to interview someone now (in 2017) who grows up to be the Ryan Deiss of 2019 or the Armand Morin of 2021?

Here's the best part: are you nervous and awkward on the phone? Great! Me too. With podcasting, YOU are interviewing THEM so THEY are doing all the talking. That guest is 10 times, if not 100 times more nervous than you because THEY are trying to impress YOU (and your listeners with their thoughts, ideas, insights, takeaways, and websites).

We show and tell you what kinds of questions to ask in the Podcast Crusher course, but for the most part, ask about what they do, what makes them different, what valuable lessons would have saved them years of mistakes, and maybe even what mistakes they see happening in the marketplace...

Third, Even If You Don't Want Guests to Create Content For You (For Free)...

I guarantee that you can speak out a podcast episode if you type out three questions your customers might have (no matter what niche) with three sub bullet points for each to guide you along, then talking for 5-10 minutes is easy.

And, once you've recorded that episode, you have a blog post, a podcast episode in the iTunes app, a link from Apple to your site, a new listing in Stitcher Radio and the Google Play store, plus, if someone is SUBSCRIBED to your podcast, that episode will auto-download to their device.

Creating a podcast is free, you can create unlimited podcast shows, publish as little or as often as you want, with short or long episodes, in any niche, talking about any subject, alone or with guests...

BUT! Creating a Podcast is "Hard" If You're "Just Fumbling Around"

There are a few technical steps, and like most technical things, there are about 1,000 different people giving you conflicting advice about how to do it...

And I want to give you the fast, fun, easy, inexpensive way using Podcast Crusher:

Claim Your Access to Podcast Crusher

P.S. But again, click through to that link NOW because the price goes to $147 in just hours from now.

281: Use Zapier to Connect Web Apps (WordPress, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Aweber and More) for Increased Productivity, Traffic, and Marketing with Danny Schreiber

April 4, 2017

You are in for a treat in today's episode. Danny Schreiber is the marketing director at Zapier, an app automation tool that helps professionals get more done. Zapier is a service that connects your web apps together to automate the tedious parts of your job or business. For example:

  • when someone registers for a GoToWebinar session of yours, trigger a new lead in Aweber or your CRM
  • monitor tweets about you in a Google Sheet
  • get email notifications, push notifications, or SMS messages if someone mentions you on Reddit or fills in a WuFoo form
  • replicate your blog posts across WordPress blogs or social media
  • auto-blog (aggregate) your favorite YouTube videos and WordPress posts on one site

And so much more. Zapier integrates almost any website together, including Twilio, Slack, Evernote, Facebook Lead Ads, Dropbox, MailChimp, Trello, HubSpot, InfusionSoft, and Instagram, just to name a handful.


280: Growth By Referrals: Land Speaking Gigs and Avoid Business Failure with Stacey Randall

April 3, 2017

Stacey Brown Randall from Growth by Referrals had learned three secrets from previous business failures: you need to "touch" your business every day, protect your mindset, and have conversations about how to scale. Listen in as she discusses how to identify who refers you (1-on-1 and face-to-face), find those experiences and touch points where you connect with them (hosting/attending events), automate that relationship (gifts, cards, emails), and track your results. Don't cold call. Instead, reach out to those connectors who refer clients to you.

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