298: The Leadership Gap: Unleash Your Greatness (and Potential) By Rethinking the System with Lolly Daskal

Executive Leadership Coach Lolly Daskal, author of The Leadership Gap, says that entrepreneurs fall into one of seven archetypes: the Rebel, Explorer, Truth Teller, Hero, Inventor, Navigator, and Knight. Knowing your type allows you to identify your gap and achieve greatness.

For example, if you're a "rebel" then you lack confidence and suffer from impostor syndrome. In this case, identifying your uniqueness can be the key to improving your competence and confidence.

Lolly also opens up about her morning ritual where she reads a book every morning and lists what she's grateful for. Every evening, she also asks herself, "What did you do well today" And, "What can I do better tomorrow than I did today?"


Filed in: Archive 2: 2017InterviewPodcast

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