446: Attend the Right Networking Events, Lay the Groundwork for Better Joint Ventures, Land Clients, Become a Connector, and Follow Up with Lori Saitz

Lori Saitz from ZenRabbit started life as an extremely shy child. Her report cards regularly included, “Lori is very bright but she needs to learn how to speak up in class.” - Lori Saitz (pronounced Sites) has become a nationally recognized marketing expert, master networker and relationship-builder.

In 2003, she launched Zen Rabbit Baking Company and introduced the world to The Gratitude Cookie. In order to build that company, she had to overcome her hesitancy to talk to strangers, and learn how to network effectively to find clients and referral sources.  Today, as a networking strategy coach and speaker, she works with quiet people on getting past the fear of networking, managing their energy, and feeling more comfortable connecting, so they can find success.

Her services are in demand by consultants, entrepreneurs, business owners, and business professionals who need to figure out which networking events are worth going to so they’re not wasting hundreds of dollars; what to say once they’re there so they don’t look foolish; and how to follow up afterward so their efforts aren’t wasted.


Filed in: Archive 2: 2017InterviewNetworkingPodcast

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