447: Level Up By Being a Direct Sales Troubleshooter, Amplify Your Strengths, and Scale Your Business Using the Five Sales Steps with Nathan Walker

Nathan Walker is a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, direct sales expert, and business owner. With over 15 years of direct sales experience and business building he's changed the lives of many with his ability to 'Level Up' your life; regardless the industry!

Nathan is professionally affiliated with Brad Lea, Grant Cardone, Henry Kaminski, Akbar Sheik, and Arne Giske. He currently trains and educates sales teams within is businesses on a regular basis via calls, webinars, zoom, and live events. If Nathan is all about one thing, it’s this – Direct Sales! At the young age of 33, he’s built a few multi-million dollar companies all based around one thing, selling; more specifically selling in the home!

Along with that, he has several success stories under his belt. Success stories like Corey who was making $8.00 an hour at a Weber grill factory, and will now make over $200k this year alone. This is all due to Nathan’s sales process, and training. Stories like that is Nathan’s real passion in life.


Filed in: Archive 2: 2017InterviewPodcastSales

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