507: Build a Business on Purpose and Develop a Systems Mindset: Vision, Mission, Values, Goal Setting and Meetings with Scott Beebe

Scott Beebe is the Founder and Head Coach of MyBusinessOnPurpose.com, and the host of the Business On Purpose podcast.

Scott and the BOP team liberate Small Business owners from the chaos of working IN their business and help them get their lives back by articulating and implementing intentional Vision/Mission/Values, Systems and Processes.

Topics of Passion

  • Business Vision, Mission, and Values Family Vision
  • Business Systems & Processes...working ON your business, and not IN your business
  • Finding your "Narrow Brilliance"

Daily Huddle Format

  • 12 week plan
  • Three goals
  • Biggest task on plate
  • "What barriers can I remove to help?"
  • "Do you need anything from me?"

Friday 9AM Weekly Meeting

  • A success story related to mission and values
  • Five core values
  • Big Wins
  • Accountability from last week
  • 12 week plan
  • Action items
  • Training of new processes (5-8 minutes)
  • Cap meeting at the deadline


Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020InterviewMindsetPodcast

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