622: VO Success Formula: Create a Voiceover Income from Freelancing

Tune in to today's episode to discover how to generate a "side hustle" freelancing income using voiceovers and Fiverr.

The formula explained is what Lance Tamashiro used to earn $4200 per month from Fiverr, and what Robert's wife used to recently land a $1500 audiobook, $90 earned in 10 minutes, and $250 in 20 minutes, and $300 in 40 minutes. We consider this assembly-line, "hard for others but easy for you" style freelancing an easy way for you to generate side income, especially if you're just getting started online OR are in need of extra money.

Visit VO Success Formula to Discover Fiverr Voiceover Secrets

(Note: the income claims discussed in today's episode are entirely our own and any income you generate is completely up to your efforts. Nothing is guaranteed.)

Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020FreelancingPodcast

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