953: Connected Investors: Tips on Being a Great Entrepreneur, Real Estate Investor, and Creator with Ross Hamilton

Oftentimes, new entrepreneurs find it difficult to sell their products and services. Why? Because their marketing strategy is flawed. Before starting a product, plan how your marketing will go first.  Beginning in marketing will enable you to hook customers and clients into buying your product so that your product is ready when it comes out. This technique will surely boost you up in having a successful entrepreneurial career.

Ross Hamilton is the retired founder of Connected Investors,  a real estate investors marketplace and community platform that can help you connect with other investors and achieve financial freedom through real estate. Ross is an expert in real estate techniques, micro-flipping, and marketing. Now, he is focused on the non-profit industry in affordable housing. Tune in as Ross shared about his journey to becoming a successful real estate investor, as well as marketing tips and how to be a great entrepreneur. Don’t miss out on this episode!


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcastReal Estate

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