954: Thursday Labs: Create High-Quality Video Content with Jake Hurwitz

Companies new to creating video content tend just to make a simple video and post it online, wishing it would turn into revenue. Little do they know that creating video content is much deeper. The days when creating content for content's sake are over. To succeed in digital marketing, you first need to gather information such as the target customer, then create a funneling strategy, go through the process, and ultimately make revenue.

Jake Hurwitz is the founder of Thursday Labs, a studio specializing in digital content creation and marketing. They excel in fields such as impactful websites, lead pages, high-quality video, podcast content, managing blogs, newsletters, and high volumes of content. Tune in as Jake discusses his entrepreneurial journey and how he helps clients’ marketing through digital content creation. He will also share the importance of creating high-quality video content and finding happiness in work.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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