418: Grow Your Business and Help Others Using Referral Marketing with Mickey Griffith

Mickey Griffith from Asentiv Sacramento is an expert in referral marketing and he can help you discover what you want your business to do, what you want out of your business, and who you need to talk to in order to get there. He can help you attract the exact clients you want and get others to send business your way by helping others get what they want.

As an owner of the leading Asentiv franchise in the United States, Mickey has delivered thousands of hours of programs and presentations on the art of creating an amazing business and having a spectacular life. His clients report results such as increasing sales closing ratios by more than 40%, closing more business in one month than they did in an entire year, and having time to start a non-profit organization they've always wanted to do.


Filed in: Archive 2: 2017InterviewPodcast

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