Where to Meet in Los Angeles, Sept 23 2010

Update: We're going with Sherm's suggestion and meeting on September 23rd 2010 from 4:30PM to 7PM at:

Melody Bar & Grill
9132 S Sepulveda Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Neighborhood: Westchester / LAX

Who will be there: Robert Plank, Lance Tamashiro, Sherm Cohen, Wal Gifford (chunked out), Robert Vance, Rodney Daut, Evelyn Brooks, Dennis Barakos.

You guys voted for where we should meet for my 26th birthday and the majority said: Los Angeles!

Now my question for you is:

1. Are you "probably" coming, or "definitely" coming?

2. What bar in the LA area should we hang out at?

Preferably I want this near the airport, and there is no set time... people can just come and go throughout the evening.

Go ahead, answer those 2 questions for me right now so I can at least have a head count.

Filed in: Personal

Comments (51)

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  1. Henry says:

    I will not be coming. Just not in my Budget to afford the trip. Would love to but hav’nt made any money yet.

  2. J Jackson says:

    Sorry, won’t be there

  3. Bummer – I’ll have to miss it this year – but I’ll celebrate with you in Raleigh the next week!

  4. Robert Plank says:

    No big deal Henry, Judy, and Jeanette… this isn’t for everyone.

    I’m not planning a “huge” get together and I don’t want anyone outside the area to make any travel plans since this will just be for a few hours.

    Thanks for keeping me updated, guys.

  5. Robert,

    Enjoy your get together! I won’t be able to make it.. But if you’re ever in the Orlando Area, I’ll make the drive.

  6. Sherm says:

    I’ll be there — the airport area’s not the greatest, but I understand you may not want to drive all over LA! I don’t usually go to bars, so I can’t really recommend one.

  7. Robert Plank says:

    Aw heck yeah Sherm! Just to be able to meet the storyboarder for Spongebob is worth the trip. I could be persuaded to have the get-together a little distance away from the airport depending on who else we get. It would be cool if Rodney D. could make it (who you also know).

  8. Rob says:

    Hi Robert,

    Alright, look forward to meeting you. I will be there. My only problem is that I don’t go to the bars very often, so can’t help you out with that one. There should be some bar that brews it’s own beer. That would be fun.

    Look forward to meeting you.



  9. Vincent says:

    I wish you a very happy birthday. I however will not be able to make it to LA as I live in London, UK.

    Just answered your email to be polite ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Susan says:

    Won’t make it.. sorry

  11. Hi Robert,

    1. Are you “probably” coming, or “definitely” coming?

    You missed off a third option, “No I won’t be coming” because I can’t get a leave pass from the wife! lols

    2. What bar in the LA area should we hang out at?
    I don’t know any bars in the LA area but given that I’m going to miss the event, I can’t add any value to this question.

    But I’ll say this, have a great birthday bash and one day, if you’re ever in London, England, you must look me up.

    Best regards,


  12. Leroy says:

    I wont be there,and dont know of any Bars,never go to them

  13. Jesus says:

    Happy birthday bro but I will not be able to make, I am still in Fort Lauderdale and LA is kind of far from here.

  14. Josef Mack says:

    Dude, wish I could be there, but its not in the cards right now.

    Have a great party, and I’ll see you in Vegas for BS14.


  15. Hey Robert

    I have seen you party so I know you are going to have a great time – enjoy and have one for me!!!


  16. Ki,mberly says:

    Hi there. Sorry it doesn’t look like my budget is healthy enough just yet. Although I hope you have a great time.

    If I was coming I like your adjenda. Just meet whenever, and close to the airport. I am not necessarily fond of trying to hunt for the action.

  17. Not coming, but will think of you.

  18. Jase says:

    Can’t make it but will have a beer for you on your birthday!

  19. Hi Robert,
    Have a wonderful time for your birthday. I cannot come to LA that weekend.

    But what’s up with Jeanette and you in Raleigh the next weekend? That’s in my neck of the woods. Anything I should know about? Or is it private? My guess is it’s something to do with AM since he lives there.


  20. Wal Gifford says:

    Hi Robert,

    I would love to meet up with you and the team in LA.

    I just need to arrange my flight schedule to be in LA on September 23!
    Currently awaiting confirmation on my schedule, but no certainty yet.

    Here are links to the hotel that I stay in when in LA, 10 minutes drive from LAX.

    Hotel has a large lobby area very suitable for a meetup.

    Lobby bar area:

    Photo tour:

    Regards Wal.

  21. Christine says:


    A Happy, Happy Birthday coming up!

    Try going to Marina del Rey. About 5 miles north of LAX, upscale, happenin’ place with variety for different tastes.

    Here’s a link to check out some of the nightlife in the area http://www.visitmarinadelrey.com/things-to-do/nightlife.html. It appears that Thursday evenings is the beginning of the weekend live entertainments and if you’re there at sunset, it’s gorgeous. Most restaurants and bars have something to do with the water. After all, it’s a “marina”.

    I won’t make it and didn’t vote originally. Where are all of you folks who voted for LA? Robert needs a PARTY! If I were there with you I’d have a Tanqueray 10, straight up with a twist.

    Have a great time!

  22. Clydette says:

    Unfortunately, I’ll be out of the country. Have a great time!

  23. Dr. Debra says:

    Hey Robert,

    1. Wish I could be there as my son lives in LA and it would be nice to visit.

    2. Don’t know of any bars in LA area at all and my son doesn’t drink either so no help to you there.

    Hope you have a great party!

  24. Hey Robert,

    Sorry, I can’t make it. It would be fun to meet you in person. Hope you have a great one!


  25. No can’t make it, to far from Oz but have a great birthday and it is a wonderful idea to have a meet up. For all of you that can attend have a good one. And for those who cant maybe we just have a webinar in place of it!


    Hey Gareth thats a feeble excuse saying your wife wont give you a leave pass..this Roberts bd.whats more important?

  26. Los Angeles is the other side of the world for me. Would love to hang out and chat with you, Robert, but I’m going to have to pass on this one. Can you let us know next time you’re headed to the Eastern Seaboard? More likely to swing that . . . hope you have a great time with all the fans that can meet up with you in LA!!

    And Happy Birthday, dude!

  27. Sorry Robert, won’t be able to make LA

  28. Giovanni Dattoma says:

    I would love to attend,
    but not possible for me.

    Have a happy and fruitful time
    all of you that can make it.

    Giovanni Dattoma

  29. Adam Porter says:

    I’m out. Atlanta would’ve been the only possibility for me.

    Enjoy and have one for me!

  30. Robert Vance says:

    I’m there just let me know where I have to drive from downtown la

  31. William says:

    Sorry Robert,
    I won’t be there either.
    However I used to live close to LAX and from what I remember the tower restraunt and lounge was a pretty cool place. That was 28 years ago, It probably isn’t there any more or at least by that name.

    Redondo Beach seems to be a happening place as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Nate says:

    Sorry Robert….I won’t be able to make it. I am in Afghanistan now and just can’t find the time to step away!

    I grew up around LA though and I would recommend any bars in West Hollywood, over by UCLA. Much cleaner and and safe than anything around the airport.

    Hope I can catch the party next year!

    Have fun.

  33. Rodney Daut says:


    I’ll be there for sure. LAX is about 45 minutes from where I live. I don’t know of any bars in the area though but I can do a little digging and find a good one.

  34. Marsha says:

    I’m sorry Robert but even though I will only be 8 hours away on that evening I will be occupied. It does sound like a lot of fun but Personally I’m really for the beach and water fun!

  35. Phil Craig says:

    FYI, priceline will give you a $42 Deal at the crowne plaza – my wife stays there all the time. It is rated as 3.5 stars but more like 3. but it has a good bar and breakfast.

    My wife is a flight attendant so she knows them all.

    The backup is the Hacienda. really cheap for not bad rooms.

    Easy LAx shuttle. Should get group rate for around $60.

    Bonus is that there are grocery stores across the street and subways, etc.

    Phil Craig. Maximumplr.com

  36. alvin says:

    I would like know more

  37. jose says:

    Sorry but I won’t be able to make it.

  38. William says:

    Enjoy your birthday. LA is not an option at this time.

  39. Thomas says:

    I will be back in Vegas that day, sorry. Not for play but business.

  40. Hey, birthday boy — I think I can do it — that’s the same day as my b.f.’s birthday. I’ll ask him for ideas for where to meet and then post again.
    (I live in the Valley)
    Looking forward to it!

  41. Wal Gifford says:

    My second post in this thread;

    Happy birthday Robert!

    I’m absolutely gutted that my flight schedule won’t fit for 23 sept 2010 in LA now.

    So I am definitely not coming this year.

    I know that you will have a great bash!

    With enough lead time and planning, a meet up is achievable even traveling from New Zealand down under.

    Look forward to joining you at your next one in 2011 Robert!

  42. Dennis Barakos says:


    I’ll be there.

    The Encounter restaurant & bar is in the middle of the airport (its the spaceship looking building). It has a 60’s retro look with lava lamps that Austin Powers would have loved:

    There are several upscale restaurant/bars in El Segundo (5 miles south of LAX). Its a nicer area than around the airport. They’re freeway close to the 405 freeway.
    1) McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood
    2) Cozymel’s Mexican Grill
    3) Houstons Restaurant

    My personal favorite is Pancho’s, an excellent Mexican restaurant in Manhattan Beach, also about 5 miles south of the airport:

  43. Gina says:

    Wishing you all the best on your birthday, but I will not make it this year.

  44. Edith says:

    Sorry, Robert, but I will be unable to make it for a drink with you on your birthday. Thanks for the invite! But it’s a little too far to travel from Florida to California for a drink. I DO appreciate the thought. And I wish you a FANTASTIC birthday. Have a wonderful party!

  45. Sherm says:

    Awesome — so glad that Lance is gonna be there too. See you then!

  46. Anthony says:


    Excellent choice of venue.

    I stopped in there for the first time several weeks ago while having my brakes changed at Best Tire, located just south of Melody.

    (Any Angelenos who need mechanics they can trust, check out Best Tire. I’m not paid to say that — the guys are honest and good.)

    At Melody I had the ribeye, which was delicious. I forget the bartender’s name but he was on top of his game — very friendly and professional. Also, I had a great conversation with the new owner who was there doing some work on the physical plant.

    Overall, I expect a great experience to be had by all and can’t wait to finally meet everyone. Take care and have a safe trip to L.A.


    PS — Robert, feel free to send me a PM if you have any other LA-centric questions. I used to be a chauffeur and know my way around the city pretty well.

  47. Rodney Daut says:

    I’ll totally be there Robert. Glad to see the update here.

  48. As says:

    I would love to attend,but not possible for me..Too far.

  49. Robert Plank says:

    It’s also in the past… and you have no time machine ๐Ÿ™‚ We definitely had fun, I’ll probably do something similar in 2011.

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