036: Keep it Stupidly Simple (When It Comes to Your Membership Sites, Webinars and Sales Letters)

Welcome back to the Robert Plank Show, tune in today to discover:

  • What it means to "sell what you sell" (sell one thing for $97 as opposed to a maze of $17, $27, and $37 upsells), separate the "forest from the trees" (stop throwing out what's working just to build yourself back up to what you have now), and reduce that clutter (if you haven't used an item in 1-5 years, do you still need it?)
  • Why the knowledge taught in "Think & Grow Rich" (visualize), "4 Hour Work Week" (80/20), "Good to Great" (one thing), and "The E-Myth" (checklist) keep showing up over and over again
  • Why I re-did my blog post as the plain WordPress 2012 theme (and I'm happier with it than my previous "custom blog theme"
  • How all you need to have is an ugly website, then send traffic to it, then build a list and keep promoting to that list
  • Welcome our brand new sponsor Membership Cube who will show you how to get all your paid (and free) content up and running, how to get your copywriting (sales letter) done in a flash, then add all the upsells, dashboard, etc. that you want

Here are the questions I asked you in today's call -- but keep the answers to yourself!

  1. Do you email every day?
  2. Is all your content (i.e. podcasts or videos) "one take content?"
  3. Do you have a payment button online where I can buy from you today?
  4. Are you completing four daily tasks every day?
  5. Do you publish one "piece" of content per week? (podcast, YouTube, pitch webinar, or webinar class) FACEBOOK does not count.

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Membership Site Training, Plugins & Clones Now

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Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016CopywritingMembership SitesPodcastWebinars

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