065: Get Your Business Noticed on the Internet: Course, Blog, Podcast, Book, DVD

Are you annoyed that an Internet marketer is marketing to you? Instead of looking at other marketers as people who are "serving" you as a consumer, why don't you look at what successful things they repeatedly do, like consistent products, blogging, and webinars? And model what they do!

Marketer of the Week: Dennis Becker

Dennis wrote the book from 5BucksADay and has the membership site Earn1kaday.
Like me, actually leaves his money-making websites online. What a concept.



If a site makes me money, I'll keep maintaining and promoting it. He has lots of irons in the fire such as a new product and new Kindle book every month.

Complaints of the Week

  1. I'm at your sales letter. Where do I go to login to your membership site?
  2. I bought the "lite" version and I login. Where can I go to upgrade? Marketers delight, 5 site license to unlimited license.
  3. What about an in-your-face upsell or interstitial ad? I want something else you're selling.
  4. You're supposed to "sell the click" in emails but what the heck am I clicking on? You're only telling me about the Pro and Basic packages, launch deadlines, but what it is, in one sentence?

Feature Presentation: Course, Blog, Podcast, Book, DVD

I once found an internet marketer "coach's" page but I couldn't find 1 product, 1 video, 1 book by him or even his last name.

What do people find when they search for you? What about on YouTube? Amazon? You should always be URL dropping or off-handedly mentioning the things you sell on your blog and podcast. Who needs testimonials? Use yourself as you own examples, testimonials, and case studies.

  • Course: Four milestones for $997 to get in the "high ticket" mindset, then drop that price SLIGHTLY (MembershipCube.com)
  • Blog: content marketing, cannibalize your Facebook re shares, 5 minute YouTube content: what pisses you off (your opinion) or something helpful (video to create a PayPal mass pay file, or resize an image without Photoshop) (IncomeMachine.com)
  • Podcast: 5 minute audio, no music (PodcastCrusher.com)
  • Book: 10-7-4, WWHW, 56 minutes, Fiverr for transcripts (MakeAProduct.com)
  • DVD: iPhone, Camtasia, DVD Architect, Kunaki (also MakeAProduct.com)

Today's quote: "The difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."


Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016PodcastProduct Creation

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