1029: Build a Sustainable B2B SaaS Companies from Startup to Scale with Serial Entrepreneur Jonah Midanik

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Have you ever dreamed of not only starting a B2B SaaS company but building one that lasts and makes a lasting impact in the market? Imagine the satisfaction of seeing your venture not just survive, but thrive in the ever-changing business world. But first, it's important to understand that it's the core aspects that matter. It goes beyond the usual startup hype, diving into the essence of what makes a B2B SaaS company sustainable.

Listen to this episode with Jonah Medanik, Partner & COO of Forum Ventures, as he talks about how to build successful B2B SaaS companies. Jonah shares his experiences and insights, providing valuable lessons on evaluating startup founders, entrepreneurship, and problem-solving. Learn about the importance of storytelling in pitches, challenges faced by SaaS startups, and the role of networking in finding investors and mentors for company growth.


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