933: CFO Minded Beyond the Numbers: Discovering the Importance of Purpose-Driven Growth with Josh Greenbaum

Are you solely focused on growing your revenue without considering the deeper purpose behind it? In this episode, our guest Josh Greenbaum challenges this conventional wisdom and urges us to examine why we are striving for growth in the first place. Join us as we question the meaning behind those numbers on your balance sheet and discover the importance of purpose-driven growth.

Josh Greenbaum is a financial consultant and owner of CFO Minded, a seasoned financial consultant who helps small businesses achieve market impact while staying true to their mission. After working for a Big Four accounting firm, Josh founded his company believing that all businesses should benefit from the financial sophistication that large corporations do without shouldering the burden. In this episode, he will discuss why his services differ from those with a low monthly fee. As he explore commoditization, he talks about the human experience of what you sell. Once you can capture that in your messaging, it’s much easier to stand out.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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