978: Fifteen Minutes of Shame: Fail, Learn, and Use Your Positive Mindset to Evolve with Des Hague

Adversity will come into our life no matter what. That’s just how life is. But how we handle our challenges and problems is up to us. We only have two choices: either you stay defeated or stand up, learn, and improve. Don’t let your failures get into your mind. Have the confidence, conviction, and courage to face whatever circumstance you may be, learn, and be a better you.

Des Hague is an author, speaker, and innovator in the international community. With over thirty years of experience, his innovative strategies have helped organizations like Centerplate, Safeway, IHOP, and Maytag expand consistently and remain fiercely competitive. He is also the author of the book entitled “Fifteen Minutes of Shame: How a Twitter Mob Nearly Ruined My Life.” Today, Des Hague will share insights about overcoming adversity, learning from your failure, the power of leading with laughter, and the five key leadership principles.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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