979: Good Leadership Through Personal Relationships: Be The Best Leader You Can Be with Certified Leadership Trainer Kevin Wayne Johnson

Leaders are the ones who guide people to accomplish a certain task, whether in a family,  business, or community setting. However, many leaders struggle to lead because they don’t know how to communicate properly. Others lead through fear, unable to help workers do their high-level tasks. Good leadership, on the other hand, uses their heart as their guide to lead. Building relationships and earning mutual trust will create a positive atmosphere, and people will perform at a high level with joy in doing their tasks.Kevin Wayne Johnson is the founder and CEO of The Johnson Leadership Group, a certified leadership trainer and speaker, an eight-time best-selling author, and a former chief of staff for the Department of Defense. He is also the author of the book entitled “Leadership With A Servant's Heart: Leading Through Personal Relationships.” In this episode, Kevin will talk about good leadership and how current and aspiring leaders can be the best leaders they can be.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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