006: Setup a Membership Site Today for Recurring Passive Income

Topics covered...

  • How to turn the specialized knowledge that you take for granted into a special "system" that others will pay big money for, over and over again, on autopilot
  • How to avoid the common mistake of creating a "tips, tricks, and articles" membership site and instead create a 4-part course that gets people from "point A" to "point B"
  • The REAL breakthrough when it comes to membership sites (big hint: you probably shouldn't charge your customers forever)
  • And more!

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"How to Setup a Membership Site Today" FREE Report

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Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016Membership SitesPodcast

Comments (6)

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  1. My Review On Podcast Is still at Ezine…had to do an edit..pod cast isn’t Podcast….they won’t let me have it both ways…spell checker didn’t care.

    Listening to Robert explain about different kinds of membership sites.

    Will opt in for a membership site(spell checker) when I make any money.

    You know what is funny, I’m an “old” newbie but, I’m in this group on FaceBook and believe it or not I’m able to offer newer newbies a much appreciated tip now and then. We go look at each others sites and offer crumbs…

    Even something simple, like telling a non English speaker that he needs to make i into I when it is him talking even in the middle of a sentence, or another complete newbie that she needed to get the “legal” pages on her 1 page 1 post blog.

    Just to see if you are paying attention: would it work to upload videos to YouTube as private and give links to members??? Notice that on some of my vidoes there is a transcription but with my Very Southern accent…I have to sometimes make corrections. http://Membershipcube.com/ wonder if there is a Black Saturday price?

  2. Howard says:

    Thank you for keeping this short. It made it easier for me to find time to listen, and easier to remember what you covered. It would be even better if you also provided a transcript or even just an outline or summary.

    Suggestions for future podcasts:

    Best ways to monetize a high-traffic site. I have one in the diet and exercise niche with 20k visitors/month but only $30/month income.

    Ways to improve site traffic. I have a site in the relationships niche which ought to be getting gobs of traffic, but isn’t.

    Growing your list in a niche outside of how to make money on the internet. I have a niche authority site on learning to play the violin, and a newsletter that I have spent nearly $200 (mostly for physical product giveaways and signup incentives) to get fewer than 70 subscribers.

    How to effectively market e-books. I have several which I think are better written than the majority of the trash out there, but the sales are disappointing.

    Website design. Always can use pointers on that.

    How to get more (non-spam) comments on a blog. My 20k visitors/month site gets maybe 3 non-spam comments a month. And 100’s of spams

    Site security. My diet site gets 100’s of attacks per day — that I know about. Who knows how many undetected attacks…

  3. Trevor Baret says:

    You are at it again…

    Up to your usual standard, and great to hear you keeping it concise.

    Of course we need the detail at times, but the abbreviated version is so useful for revision.

    Thanks again, Robert

  4. Thanks, Robert. A fixed-term Online Member Site is one of the best ways to earn a semi-passive income online. Thank you for your wonderful podcast! 🙂

  5. Thanks so much – I’m stalling on creating a membership site because I have too many questions about pricing levels and so on. Thanks for making it simple!

  6. Robert Plank says:

    Hi Howard,

    I will keep those topics in mind for future episodes.

    I’ve just posted a PDF transcript in this post just for you… you’re welcome.

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