611: Clarity, Focus, and Action: Discover Your True Potential and Implement Your Aligned Life Roadmap with River Easter

River Easter is a catalyst to help you discover the genius inside YOU. More than your average life coach, her vast toolbox includes more than 25 years of neuroscience, smartcuts, and paradigm busting processes. She has a Masters in Organization Development and is a certified Life Mastery Consultant. HER genius is part alchemy, part science, part consciousness hacking.
She has worked in government, private, and nonprofit sectors providing effective tools for collaboration, leadership and innovation. Her experience and passion for growth and transformation is evident through her creativity, laser focus, and analytical mind. As a sought after life coach and speaker, River offers inspiring workshops as well as transformational high-touch coaching programs that help clients go from survive to THRIVE with ease.


Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020InterviewMindsetPodcast

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