612: Build Your Brand Mania: Increase Your Online Audience Using Content Marketing, Social Media, and Cutting-Edge Traffic Strategies with Matt Bertram

Matt Bertram: Entrepreneur, Trainer and Speaker, is the co-host of the most popular SEO podcast on iTunes and Ahrefs with over 3.4 million downloads. He's a Google Partner and COO at eWebResults, a leading internet marketing agency since 1999.

He's the author of Build Your Brand Mania, How to Transform Yourself into an Authoritative Brand to Attract Your Ideal Customers: An Insider's Guide to the Fastest Way to Grow Your Business Online.

Matt holds a strong track record of creating positive ROI through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click Advertising. He's an expert in web design usability, social media marketing strategy and email automation, managing over $1.8 million dollars of ad spend per year.


Filed in: AgencyArchive 3: 2018-2020InterviewPodcast

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