931: Unleash Your Full Potential: Embark on a Powerful Journey of Self-Discovery and Fulfillment with Kellan Fluckiger

Are you ready to embark on a powerful journey of self-discovery and fulfilment? Join us as we explore the divine origins and destiny within each of us, and discover the language and power to fire up your heart and fuel your purpose. With this newfound strength, you can face adversity with patience and resilience and stay vibrant as you find and fill your highest purpose. It's time to connect with your true self and unleash your full potential. 

Kellan Fluckiger is a motivational key-note speaker, podcast host, and author living his ultimate life. After decades of depression, addictions, life-threatening illness and a near-death experience, Kellan has become the ultimate catalyst to help motivated people melt barriers, move mountains and mobilize superpowers to achieve their true desires. In this episode, he will talk about how to have a powerful Journey connecting you to your divine origin and destiny and giving you language and power which will fire your heart every day, give you patience and strength to deal with any adversity and keep you fired up and vibrant as you find and fill your highest purpose.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcasting

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