079: The Seven (Kindle and CreateSpace) Books That Should Be Building Your Internet Marketing Business

Let's talk today about "business card" books to build your business. You should get your best ideas down, and re-use (even sometimes repeating yourself) your best content, especially in the form of digital and physical books. Amazon lets you publish an unlimited number books, so you might as well make the most of it.

  • Marketer of the Week: Jeff Mills (be the salesman -- best salesman for an app creator but he didn't even make the product)
  • Quote of the Week: "When you focus on problems, you'll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you'll have more opportunities." -- Unknown
  • Catchphrase of the week: "Don't live life with one foot on the brake." Comfort zone, money zone. Nobody likes a backseat driver.
  • Thought of the week: What if you just put 10 minutes a day into that goal? Put aside $10 a day to build your business? Read just 1 page from a book per day?

Is There a Book in You?

Check out Robert's Amazon AuthorCentral page.

  • Book of your best blog posts (rate them to narrow down the best ones)
  • Interview book (get yourself out there and get a handle on scheduling)
  • Big idea book: things that don't fit into a paid course but are also too valuable to just give away
  • Get the catchphrase or sound byte out there so you can say you said it first

Here Are My Seven Books That I Use as a Business Card

  1. List book: 100 Time Savers
  2. Interview book: Secret Conversations with Internet Millionaires
  3. Strategy book: Double Agent Marketing
  4. Concept book: Membership Cube
  5. Webinar book: Sell with Amazon FBA
  6. Tutorial book: Setup a Point & Click Website
  7. Year-end book: Internet Marketing on Crack

You can (and should) join our Make a Product book publishing course to discover how to publish your own book in 58 minutes.

Filed in: AmazonArchive 1: 2012-2016Content CreationPodcast

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