081: Kindle Publishing with Dave Koziel

Dave Koziel from PublishWithDave.com is going to tell us how he makes $10,000 to $30,000 per month from Amazon Kindle. He's created 60 to 80 Kindle books (6,000 to 12,000 words in length) for $80-$150.

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"Publish with Kindle" FREE Report (Robert Plank & Dave Koziel)

Some books produce hundreds per month while even the "duds" generate $20-$25 per month. He's going to share not only his numbers and "ah-ha" moments, but his secret strategies for making money with Amazon Kindle publishing. (As well as CreateSpace physical books and ACX Audible audiobooks.) Topics covered:

  • How to make money with Amazon Kindle without writing any of your own books (Dave only wrote two of his own books, for fun)
  • How even an underforming book (6,000 to 12,000 words in length) makes Dave about $25 per month and can make as many as hundreds of dollars per month (so how many books like these would you outsource?)
  • The secret to getting Amazon buyers off Amazon and onto your list
  • How to get started with that first Kindle book
  • Get more reviews from your Amazon books using review swaps
  • The next level of Amazon publishing

Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016Content CreationInterviewPodcast

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