335: Use Proof to Add the Social Proof Conversion Cheat Code to Your Sales Pages, Shopping Carts, and Signup Pages to Increase Your Income with Dave Rogenmoser

Dave Rogenmoser is the co-founder of Proof, a simple pixel you can place on your website that displays social proof to your visitors.

This notification appears in the bottom corner to show the first names and cities (with photos) of people who have recently purchased. Use it for social proof of any kind, such as email opt-ins or webinar signups.

You can also display your "proof" directly on your checkout page or on the front page of your site. Dave hopes that adding that proof pixel to your site will become part of your checklist when setting up a new web property.

Signup for Proof at UseProof.com

Filed in: Archive 2: 2017CopywritingInterviewPodcast

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