343: High Converting Sales Copy Formula: Find Your Sales Hook Through Empathy and Make Money By Following a Simple Copywriting Formula with Alyson Lex

Alyson Lex is a copywriter who specializes in high converting sales letters and in empathizing with prospects to create more effective sales letters.

She believes in four levels of research:

  1. socially (how prospects relate to friends)
  2. relationally (how prospects relate to you, i.e. have they bought or tweeted you)
  3. psychologically (what keeps them up at night)
  4. demographics (gender, age, location)

Research for Alyson consists of checking out industry news articles, social media (especially the comments section) and sites like RipOffReport to get a handle on peoples' problems, frustrations, fears, and beliefs. Then, her five step copywriting process is as follows:

  1. get attention (headline, pre-head, sub-head)
  2. identify the problem
  3. introduce a solution
  4. explain how to get it
  5. don't let them walk away without it

Alyson also talks about common copywriting mistakes, such as using the word "I" within the first three paragraphs of a sales letter.


Filed in: Archive 2: 2017CopywritingInterviewPodcast

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