826: Unify Creative Agency: Build Your Brand By Taking the Right Actions in the Order of Importance to Save Time, Money & Agony With St. Louis Marketing Consultant Bear Wade

Struggling to set your business and branding in motion? Stuck with all these business ideas but you cannot materialize them? What if there was an easy, step-by-step process for you to follow to create a structured business plan to get you started? More than a decade ago, Brandon “Bear” Wade transformed his self-financed film into an award-winning documentary for public television by emulating other industry leaders with his branding. He took what he learned and started developing top notch branding for customers across the country using the Unify Brand Steps. Bear Wade tackles the importance of having a concise, effective branding and business strategy in this episode.


Filed in: Archive 4: 2020-2023InterviewPodcast

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