Happy Holidays 2012 from Robert Plank (Free Kindle Books for You)

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa and New Year... today I want to give you three of my bestselling Amazon books 100% for free. Here they are:

I recommend you Ctrl+click to open each of those links in a new window, then the page "should" say purchase price for today only is $0.00, click the button and add them to your account, even if you don't have time to read them yet.

You can read these books whether you have an actual Kindle reading device, an iPhone or iPad (just install the app), or read it directly through your web browser.

Please claim your three books, post a comment below letting me know you've done it, give each book a quick read and leave me a quick review on Amazon. Thanks again!

Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016NewsPersonal

Comments (51)

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  1. Great work Robert! Merry Christmas back atcha – thanks for all you do for us day in and day out. You are a master and I owe you so much. Thanks again for these wonderful gifts.


  2. Hubert Daul says:

    First of All, Merry Christmas.
    Another great gift from our Santa 🙂
    Thanks for everything you give us


  3. Thanks for the presents. I hope you have a wonderful Holiday

  4. Ed Akehurst says:

    Thanks, Robert!

    I hope your holidays are enjoyable!

  5. Wim says:

    Thanks Robert,
    I am grateful to see that you are also working on Xmas day. 🙂

    I hope you have a great day and stop slogging early today to enjoy the festive season with your family.

    May you truly reap the fruits of your labor to enjoy a blessed Christmas and a very prosperous New Year.

    Humble regards,
    Wim Hoekstra

  6. Hi Robert.

    Thanks for the gifts. You always have such great information; easy to read, understand and follow, so I look forward to consuming these kindle books as well.

    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

    Dr. Linette Montae

  7. Jason says:

    Thanks for all.
    Merry X Mas. I wish you a happy holiday season.

  8. Gerard "G" says:

    Merry Christmas Robert! Thanks for the great info.

    Just breezed through the “Setup A Point & Click Website” book. Even though I am familiar with this process, it is Very easy to understand for the newbie out there! In breezing through it, I already picked out a couple of nuggets that were new to me!

    Keep up the great work!

  9. Judy Jackson says:

    WOW!! Thanks Robert. You are always so generous. One of the reasons I’m a loyal fan and customer. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  10. Merry Christmas, Robert – and THANK YOU!

    The “Article Crash Course” looks particularly interesting…will dive into it more thoroughly tomorrow – right now, my family is threatening mutiny if I don’t get off the computer! LOL

  11. Thank you Robert. I will definitely leave you a review.

    Merry Christmas!


  12. Wal Gifford says:

    Thank you Robert for the 3 ebook gifts
    Much appreciated
    Looking forward to a good read of your writings
    Happy holidays to you and your family
    Ragards Wal

  13. To h Joyce says:

    Merry Christmas and Great Thanks!

  14. Rich Joyce says:

    dang correcttype

  15. Peggy says:

    Thank you so much for the books, Robert…

    Merry Christmas to you as well.

  16. Giselle says:

    Thanks, Robert, for the free books! I just quickly browsed through them and can see so much value. Merry Christmas

  17. Dan says:

    Merry Christmas Robert. I purchased your first one previously but thanks for the other two. I appreciate you thinking of us at Christmas.

  18. Todd says:

    That is a very generous offer, Robert! Happy holidays to you, however you celebrate … I have enjoyed the info you have shared recently very much. I am wondering about podcasting … Interesting, but seems like a second tier activity since there are many more direct income activities one coud do?

  19. Merry Christmas Robert. Thanks so much for all of your help.

  20. Samuel Heins says:

    Wow, thanks Robert. I will read these books later. Saved on my Android phone. I am enjoying your podcast that I also have the RSS saved on my Android podcast application. thanks again.

  21. Benjamin says:

    Hi Robert,

    Is there any alternate ways to get those 3 books?

    When I clicked purchase, it shows “This title is not available for customers from your location in:
    Asia & Pacific”

    Can you advise me on it?

  22. shirl says:

    Merry Christmas Robert, Thank YOU Much Love Your stuff. I appreciate You

  23. Carl Dickens says:

    Well, I have the 100 time savers for quite some time and it was a wonderful read and learn. I will download the others today and look forward to them as well.

    I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday. Take a few minutes this season to enjoy all the things that are our motivation for work. Whatever your motivation (family, friends, personal or professional achievement, etc), a moment to appreciate all that we have the opportunities we have makes it worthwhile.

    Thanks Robert for the holiday gifts.


  24. Joel Newton says:

    Merry Christmas Robert,

    Trust you are enjoying the season of family, friends and the birthday of our Creator, Jesus Christ.

    Was not able to open the 3 files for download:

    1. B005BCPJ6W


    3. B005KC4K40

    Cheer, blessing, joy and health

    Joel Newton

  25. Gerald S. says:

    Merry Christmas and thanks for sharing!

  26. Lance F. says:

    Thanks Robert for the Christmas presents! I look forward to reading and USING the info you provide. Thanks again!


  27. Brandi H says:

    Robert, just saying thankya for the gifts. I can’t believe how much more I’m able to read in Kindle compared to before with only physical books. I’ll be looking forward to checking these out once finished with the couple I’m reading now. So many free books this Christmas!
    Thanks again,

  28. Thanks for the great gifts! Happy Yule!

  29. James Stuart says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, thanks for the gifts very appreciative.


  30. Seann says:


    Thank you so much! Happy Holidays to you and yours.

    Can’t wait to check these out!

    Here’s a testimonial for a great product…

    I’ve had Backup Creator for some time now and it saved my _______ after a recent crash. Anyone with a website should get BC. You won’t be sorry.

    Thanks for all you do.


  31. Bob Molton says:


    Thanks for the Kindle Books, And… All the help you and Lance have given.

    Wishing you and your family an awesome Holiday Season and Happy New Year!!

    Bob Molton

  32. Merry Christmas Robert.

    Thank you for the books, I’ll
    make time to read the two that are new
    to me! already had your TimeSaver!

    Have a Happy New Year!
    P.S. reason I checked my email….my sister in Chicago sent a new picture of her new GrandBaby!..

  33. Don Morris says:

    You da man, Robert! Merry Christmas!

  34. davidp says:

    My gratitude for your generous teaching, Robert and Lance.! My advice for the New Year–never deny yourself dessert, simple fun or a chance to extend love and kindness to your family.

  35. Merry Christmas Robert and thanks for the books, I’m reading one now on my phone.

    Having just taken your course where you created one of them, it’s naturally interesting to see the finished product and also to see what you showed us how to do with promotion actually taking place live.

    Take care,
    (“Kiwi” in South West Scotland)

  36. Ron Chamberlain says:

    Merry Christmas Robert. Mahalo for the books.

  37. George says:


    I’m still hanging in and enjoying what you offer. Best wishes for a great ’13.


  38. jon2775 says:

    Thanks Very Much and Merry Christmas to You Also.

  39. Mary Pat says:

    Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  40. Now send me the free gift.


  41. Thanks for your support, the back up creator is a great tool.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

    James Jayabalan
    B-1-29 Kompleks Suria Kinrara,
    Persiaran Kinrara Seksyen 3,
    Taman Kinrara,
    47100 Puchong, Selangor.

  42. Great Tool Robert,
    Your support is great

  43. “Finding” you was a star day for me Robert. Thank you for these downloads and all the other support you give me.
    I really appreciate it

  44. Carl Picot says:

    Nice one Robert !!

    These look like great resources so I will get stuck right in!!



  45. Carl Picot says:


    It wouldn’t let me download the books….

    I think it’s because I have a UK Amazon account

    Any ideas what I can do ??

    Thanks Carl

  46. Naveen says:

    Thank you and wishing you the best in every way always.

  47. Thank you Robert. We can always learn additional ways to say time during our modern busy days. I look forward to reading that one.

  48. Debra Marrs says:

    Thank you, Robert. Happy Holidays to you too!

  49. Britt Malka says:

    @Benjamin You can change your Kindle address to somewhere in the US, or the author of the e-books (in this case Robert) can make them available for all areas.

    Robert, thanks for this gift 🙂

  50. Paulo Teller says:

    Hi, Robert,

    Great content inside your books!
    Great AND long – just one of them has 180+ pages, full of very good teachings.
    Now we know how your view of Merry Christmas is.
    I hope all the other visitors pay attention to this page (at the very least) and how you can help newbies to go from where they are right now to where they wish to be in no time!
    Best wishes to you, and a great 2013 too,

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