Re-Take Control of WordPress Using the “Website Remote” Website Management Tool

What would you do if suddenly, tomorrow, you were no longer allowed or able to use WordPress for your websites? And you had to go back to HTML, FTPing files... sounds terrible, right?

Well... there is a secret "new frontier" for you and your WordPress sites and that's managing them remotely. You can see all your sites in one place, update all sites, 1-click login to any WordPress site, compare sites and add plugins...

I could never go back to NOT using a tool to manage all my WordPress sites in one place (such as Website Remote) -- it's like being without WordPress, or without GPS, or without a car to drive...

AND -- Lance, myself, and our team have been adding some cool new features to our Website Remote tool:

Website Remote: Manage Your WordPress Sites in One Place

1. Website Groups: you can now "bunch up" your sites and say... let me only update this group of my 10 client sites. Or install this one plugin on my 25 test sites...

2. Cloud Storage: we now give you 1GB of free storage with Website Remote so you can store your favorite plugins in one place (perhaps premium plugins or maybe free plugins that are hard for you to find, or you forget to find) -- and choose a plugin in that cloud storage and send it off to one, all, or some of your websites

3. Plugin Packages: you can also "bunch up" your plugins... and say, here are my 5 bare essential plugins for SEO and security... here are the 10 plugins I use for a membership site, here are the 20 plugins I use on a test site...

You can mix and match plugins in a package. You can choose 3 of your plugins from the cloud and combine them with 10 free plugins, for example...

So -- that means you can login to Website Remote today, click the "Essentials" and "Membership Plugins" packages (bunched up plugins that are some you uploaded and some free ones) -- and maybe click the "Client Sites" and "Membership Sites" groups you created...

And basically install 15 plugins on 35 of your WordPress sites, without having to login, remember passwords, or upload each and every time...

This is HUGE (yuuuuge), we believe this changes the way you'll use WordPress forever, and it's only 99 cents to get started today:

Claim Your Website Remote 99 Cent Trial

Filed in: Archive 1: 2012-2016WordPress

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