692: Guest Expert Profits: Build Relationships and Enjoy Consistent Podcasting Traffic with Jessica Rhodes

Jessica is the founder and equal co-owner of Interview Connections. She has scaled the business quickly to 7 figures along with her business partner, Margy Feldhuhn. Jessica and her in house team of Booking Agents are the podcast powerhouses behind many of the record breaking book launches you’ve seen today, with clients such as JJ Virgin, Perry Marshall, other authors you may know, and numerous PR agencies who hire them for their podcasting savvy and booking skills.

Jessica started podcasting in 2014 with the launch of Rock the Podcast. She is the acclaimed author of Interview Connections: How to #RockThePodcast From Both Sides of the Mic! and has been a featured speaker at FinCon, Podcast Movement, Podfest Multimedia Expo, and Dream Business Academy. She is married and is the mom of two kids, Nathan and Lucy.


Interview Connections (Website)

Filed in: Archive 3: 2018-2020InterviewPodcast

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