Archive 1: 2012-2016

230: You Have No Competition: Get Paid to Create an Information Product and Turn Your Knowledge into a New Stream of Passive Income with Fred Gleeck

January 23, 2017

Fred Gleeck (email address: is a business coach. If you have a skill or passion, Fred can Joint Venture partner with you and package those insights into an information product for passive income.


Listen in as he describes a few case studies about his clients (voiceover expert Bill DeWees, or Fred's latest opera singer client) where he made use of that "unsold inventory" of information that many business owners seem to have. You'll also hear about how Fred establishes boundaries with his JV partners, deals with competition (competence plus personality), and systematizes everything so that he can deliver consistent quality.

Fred's Contact Information

  • Email address:
  • Subject line: "ROBERT PLANK SENT ME"
  • Message body: tell Fred what your "field" is, as well as any info-products you have or would like to create

229: Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires, the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and Social Policing

January 20, 2017

Today's Sponsor: Website Remote (manage all your WordPress sites)

Important Quotes from Famous People

  • "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." -- Henry Ford
  • "The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence." -- Charles Bukowski
  • "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." -- John D. Rockefeller
  • "Don't compare your behind-the-scenes to someone else's highlight reel." -- Pastor Steven Furtick
  • "Are you losing belief or do you just wish it was happening faster? Balance ambition with patience." -- Gary Vaynerchuk
  • "Every successful person has a rule to never spend more than 10% of time on a problem, but at least 90% on a solution" -- Anthony Robbins

Reminders from Robert Plank

  • People have less of what you have and are happy. Others have exactly what you want (if not more) and are unhappy.
  • Being upset or stressed about your business is a good thing if you channel it into something positive (growth)
  • You're exactly where you're supposed to be right now in your journey. The present probably came very close to not happening as it was supposed to, and the future is probably very close to not happening as it should
  • If things are tough, is it possible you're being setup for something better?
  • Haven't there been times when you enjoyed taking some action?
  • If things are difficult, it's because you're being tested. It's an opportunity for personal growth (feast and famine)
  • Your life isn't a straight line or a curve of up's and down's... it's a series of 3-5 year containers
  • Have an abundance mindset instead of a scarcity mindset (don't let the little stuff like grudges use up 100% of your CPU)

Talking Points

  • Be careful of social policing: it's not up to you to save the world, all you can do is look out for yourself first (but that includes feeling good about helping others)
  • Many people aren't calibrated to where they need to be -- Four Daily Tasks, thinking too far (or not enough) in the future or past
  • Have the right metric: make money, reduce hours... not just to "show off for them"
  • Excuses: "I'm tired" or "I don't have time" or "People aren't buying now" or "I need to wait until..."


  • Don't be a downer, a victim, a person who puts themselves down
  • Don't be a predictable, one-note, cardboard character
  • Don't give up, don't use any old excuse to stop unless you seriously believe it
  • Don't stop doing something unless you replace it with something else


  • Make it work even if it "seems" the universe is conspiring against you (even though it's not)
  • Decide to: let go, have boundaries, get the right priorities, and find the time
  • Switch gears, recharge your batteries and take time to calm down instead of just going through the motions
  • Wish you were better -- your best is enough but make sure it's your best
  • Use failure and frustration as fuel to do better in the future

228: Are You Afraid?

January 19, 2017

"If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original."
-- Ken Robinson

Here's why I ask if you're afraid...

A bunch of years ago, it was around the holidays and I was hanging out with some friends... we were playing Monopoly and you might know that it's the sort of game that leaves a lot of players super angry by the end...

Well, I didn't mind it too much that one of the guys in our group kept making us start over... as in... if HE was the one who was down on his money, even if the rest of us were doing well, he would suddenly act super sad and push and prod us until we gave in and restarted the game...

If he was raking in the money in Monopoly, he had no problem continuing the game... even if others were having trouble.

It's just a game, we were having fun, and I don't think we actually saw a complete gamethrough to completion that night... BUT... it got me thinking...

Imagine if that friend of mine (I didn't know him that well, he was just someone's brother who happened to be there) had saw one of our games through? Maybe he'd still lose or maybe he would have come out of those "tough times" on the other end, and really enjoyed that rollercoaster ride?

As opposed to starting it over and playing it safe...

What does all this have to do with internet marketing, being an entrepreneur, and growing your online business?

Many People Are Afraid To Actually See Their Business Become A Business...

  • It might get tough and scary
  • They might have to change course
  • They might get confused and not know what to do next
  • They might have to admit they were wrong or that something isn't working

Is this "fear" problem something that you can solve in the next 10 seconds? Is it something that won't rear its ugly head sometime later? Heck no... BUT...

If you've felt that you've "restarted the game" too many times and you haven't finished that sales letter, product, or have neglected that blog or podcast... it's possible that you needed to ride the wave of failure down only to ride an even bigger wave of success back up...

But YOU are the only one who can say that statement is true...

I honestly believe that you should focus on whatever you think your best chance of making money is for the next 30 days... commit yourself to that singular goal and take four actions per day in service of that goal...

I also think that a long term goal of yours is to have 300 pieces of content (whatever that means to you -- quick YouTube videos, short podcasts) that lead back to you and your websites, your opt-in forms, your sales letters.

Not 300 pieces of content overnight, but that should be your long-term goal in order to bring in enough traffic to sustain you and your business.

WP Import and Podcast Crusher

I think that our WP Import plugin is a great tool to fill up a blog with content (whether you did or didn't write it yourself) and our Podcast Crusher podcasting course is a wonderful complement to that tool, because podcasting allows you to quickly speak out whatever's on your mind...

AND even have other experts create the content for you, which they will gladly do. I've interviewed 125 people for my podcast in the past 143 days -- it's only been an extra time commitment of about 4 hours per week on my part (it would be a lot less if I chose not to publish 5 days a week which I can always change) ---

It's increased the blog traffic big-ly, opened up a ton of doors (joint ventures) I didn't have previously, and I'm already on the schedule with a few other marketers to appear on THEIR shows, provide value to THEM and introduce ME to THEIR audience.

I hope that in the coming year you aren't afraid to set yourself on the path that has the best chance of success for you, repeat for 30 days with 4 daily tasks with the ultimate goal of 300 pieces of content, repeat / follow-through, and then look back at those 30 days of successes and failures with self-awareness so you can course correct.

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you're kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you're successful, you'll win unfaithful friends and genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you're honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy it overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

-- Mother Teresa

Claim the $7 WP Import Plugin

227: Positive Psychology Coaching: Become Your Best Self, Communicate Better, Locate and Use Your Authentic Strengths with Fatima Doman

January 18, 2017


Fatima Doman from says that 24 character strengths exist (for example: curiosity, perseverance, energy, engagement), and if you're under-utilizing these or not playing up to your strengths, then you're in trouble. You may need to bring some of your strengths to the forefront, combine specific strengths or even temporarily use "situational strengths" when needed.

226: Retail Arbitrage, Online Arbitrage, Private Labeling and E-Commerce with The Amazing Seller Scott Voelker

January 17, 2017


Scott Voelker's ( journey is an amazing Amazon and e-commerce success story. Beginning with retail arbitrage (buying local items and selling them on Amazon), then online arbitrage (buying physical items online and re-selling them on Amazon), private labeling (get a product sourced), and finally, e-commerce (setup a storefront outside of Amazon), Scott has not only generated a huge income scaling his business, he also teaches others how to do it. Topics covered:

  • how Scott narrows down the perfect product to sell, every time
  • Scott's "open brand" strategy that allows him to experiment with new physical products
  • how to deal with copycats and the price wars
  • how to build a list and get lots of reviews quickly (and remain compliant) using contests


225: Get Publicity and PR Leads with Dan Janal

January 16, 2017


Dan Janal from has a number of easy tweaks you should make in your marketing for huge results. He wants you to create an authority piece (lead magnet) such as "10 Tips to Save Your Marriage." Create a Facebook ad sending people to a (LeadPages) landing page, research your target audience, create a compelling headline and call to action. Create a Facebook post (use to generate graphics), boost that post, and re-post it anywhere you can. Test different headlines with A/B testing and improve from there.


224: Cover Your Assets Online: Avoid Common Legal Traps and Pitfalls with Lin Eleoff

January 13, 2017


Lin Eleoff from and wants to help you take care of your "baby" (your online business). Many business owners do not properly protect their intellectual property. Many are missing proper website legal documents and use images in such a way that could open them up to lawsuits. Lin keeps things simple for us and explains what we need to do and what to avoid (legally) with our websites.

223: Design a Life That Results in Wealth with Financial Mentor Todd Tresidder

January 12, 2017


Todd Tresidder ( has three ways of building wealth: real estate, business, and paper assets. Todd has some unique insights when it comes to building wealth since he believes in simplicity and uses math (research) as well as basic principles to create a sound investment strategy.

222: The Book Doctor Is In: Self-Publish a Book, Build Your Platform, and Get Noticed with Stacey Aaronson

January 11, 2017


Stacy Aaronson from and says that many authors make huge mistakes when they independently publish their books. Her approach is very step-by-step and detail oriented:

  1. Consult, proposal, contracts
  2. Editing process, developmental, structure, cohesive chapters, the right points are in the right chapters
  3. Copy-editing: bio, picture, grammar, remove cliches, correct syntax
  4. Illustration and graphics
  5. Presentation: interior, cover, interior/cover congruency, what's right for the audience, fine tune
  6. Upload files to CreateSpace and Ingram
  7. Proof the proof and send to proofreader (edit all the edits together from multiple people
  8. Re-upload, get printed proofs, catch the small things

221: Escape from Anxiety, De-Stress and Supercharge Your Life with Peggy Sealfon

January 10, 2017


Peggy Sealfon from wants you to supercharge your life, help you break your patterns, hang onto your available energy, and live a mindful, integrated life. Many of us are caught in cycles where our health or relationships may have suffered due to over-focusing on our business, for example. Peggy have tons of insights, tools, and habits to share with you today.


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