Archive 4: 2020-2023

986: Rise Marketing Group: The Triad of Digital Marketing, Web Development, and Entrepreneurship with Ben Lund

November 1, 2023

A strong online presence, which often includes effective web development, is essential for reaching and engaging a target audience in the digital age. Entrepreneurs often rely on digital marketing strategies to promote their ventures and grow their businesses. The key to successful digital marketing lies in understanding the ever-evolving landscape of online platforms and consumer behavior.

Ben Lund is the Founder of Rise Marketing Group and a Former Googler. Today, Ben will discuss the dynamic landscape of digital marketing and the crucial role it plays in modern business success. Tune in to learn more!


985: Copyright Law and AI: Safeguard Your Creative Works with Barbara Ingrassia

October 30, 2023

The legal landscape surrounding AI and creative works is dynamic, demanding critical thinking and adaptability from creators and regulators alike. As AI technologies like GPT-3 continue to generate content, questions arise about copyright eligibility and ownership. The interplay between AI and human creativity is complex, with the human component often needing to stand out for copyright protection.

Barbara Ingrassia is the Founder of  Manage Copyright, and a Copyright Compliance & Content Security Strategist. Today, Barbara Ingrassia will discuss the critical importance of copyright compliance and content security in our digital age, shedding light on the evolving challenges and best practices for creators and organizations to protect their intellectual property. Tune in to learn more!


984: Wilde AI Customer LTV Prediction Platform: Growth Potential in Data Science Tools for B2C E-Commerce with Clint Dunn

October 29, 2023

Data science is no longer the exclusive domain of giant corporations; it has become an equalizing force in the E-commerce industry. Smaller businesses have the opportunity to leverage data-driven insights and compete more effectively in the digital marketplace. As E-commerce continues to evolve, embracing data science can be a transformative step for businesses of all sizes, enabling them to better serve their customers and drive growth.

Clint Dunn is a pioneer in the field of predictive analytics and founder of With a rich background at Afterpay and HairStory, Clint shares his expertise on leveraging data science to predict customer behavior, lifetime value (LTV), and churn. This episode dives deep into how ecommerce and retail companies can use predictive analytics to make informed decisions, enhance customer engagement, and ultimately drive profitability. Listen in to discover how companies like yours can benefit from data-driven strategies to not just survive but thrive in the competitive ecommerce landscape.

Key Talking Points

[00:06] Introduction to Clint Dunn and Clint Dunn discusses his background and the mission of, focusing on helping ecommerce and retail companies predict customer behavior to optimize lifetime value and reduce churn.
[00:59] Target Audience and Use Cases for Clint elaborates on how serves retail and ecommerce companies by analyzing customer data to predict future behaviors, emphasizing the tool’s role in various business functions from marketing to customer service.
[04:59] Integration and Data Requirements: Discussion on the technical prerequisites for utilizing, including the necessity of a data warehouse and the ideal data history required to ensure accurate predictions.
[06:44] Real-world Impact and Case Studies: Clint shares a compelling case study where identified a significant issue with a company’s subscription model, leading to the recovery of substantial revenue.
[10:31] Customer Purchase Frequencies and Industry Insights: Insights into different buying patterns across industries like fashion and beauty, emphasizing the importance of focusing on high-value customers.
[15:16] Overview of’s Features and Benefits: Clint provides a concise summary of’s capabilities, primarily focusing on predicting customer spending and return probabilities.
[18:22] How to Engage with Clint invites listeners to explore and offers a special opportunity for a free audit for podcast listeners, emphasizing the easy accessibility of the service.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Audit Your Data: Contact to take advantage of their free audit offer and gain insights into your customer base’s health.
  • Focus on High-Value Customers: Use predictive analytics to identify and prioritize engagement with your most valuable customers to maximize ROI.
  • Leverage Customer Data: Ensure your ecommerce platform integrates seamlessly with a data warehouse to control and utilize your customer data effectively.
  • Educate Yourself: Explore books and resources by Peter Fader to better understand customer-centric analytics and its implications for your business strategy.


983: AdOutreach: Grow and Scale Your Business Through YouTube Ads with Aleric Heck

October 27, 2023

Harnessing the potential of YouTube ads is a game-changer for business growth, offering a dynamic platform with billions of users. By creating compelling video content tailored to your target audience, you can showcase products, build brand awareness, and drive conversions effectively. The robust analytics provided by YouTube further empower businesses to refine their marketing strategies, ensuring a tailored approach that resonates with viewers and propels sustained business expansion.

Aleric Heck is the founder of AdOutreach, a service that helps entrepreneurs and marketers harness the power of YouTube Ads to skyrocket their leads and sales. He has over seven years of experience teaching entrepreneurs and business owners how to grow and scale their businesses through precise YouTube ad strategies. Today, Aleric will talk about AI ad targeting software, omnipresence, and more. Stay tuned!


982: Nucleus Research: Create a Winning ROI and Show Your Business Value with Ian Campbell

October 25, 2023

their products and services, which mainly stems from laying more benefits of the product than what the customer needs. As such, by simplifying the process and focusing on the most crucial part, you can generate a much more positive message, which is essential to success.

Ian Campbell is the founder of Nucleus Research, a company that uses an ROI investigative approach to deliver research with unbiased and factual analysis, helping you to create a credible business ROI. He is also the best-selling author of The Value Sale, helping readers prove their ROI and close more deals. Today, Ian will talk about the return on investments, the total cost of ownership, leadership, and how to improve your overall business. Tune in to learn more!


981: Winning the Executive Interview: Build Your Career Through Professional Networking with Dr. Marcia Ballinger

October 23, 2023

Networking is not solely about quantity but quality. Having a few strong, trustworthy connections is better than having an extensive network of superficial contacts. Approach networking with authenticity, sincerity, and a genuine desire to build meaningful relationships rather than treating it as a transactional activity. Cultivating these connections over time can lead to enduring, mutually beneficial relationships that support your personal and professional growth.

Dr Marcia Ballinger is the Co-Founder and Principal of Ballinger|Leafblad, a national executive search firm located in St Paul, Minnesota. She specializes in executive job search, career planning, networking, interviewing, and nonprofit sector transitions, making her a sought-after writer and speaker. Her insights have benefited professionals seeking career advancement and transitioning into the nonprofit sector. Marcia has been recognized with numerous honors, including being named an Industry Leader by the Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal, part of the "(Real) Power 50" by Minnesota Business Magazine, and a member of "50 Over 50" by AARP. Today, Marcia will talk about effective networking strategies and the importance of building meaningful professional relationships. Stay tuned!


980: GoAvance: The Amazon E-Commerce Evolution in Mexico and Latin America with Ramiro Velasco

October 22, 2023

Amazon's presence in the Latin American e-commerce landscape has been transformative, bringing both opportunities and challenges to the region. As one of the world's largest online marketplaces, Amazon has had a significant impact on how Latin American consumers shop and how businesses operate. The impact of Amazon in Latin America continues to evolve, shaping the future of e-commerce in the region.

Ramiro Velasco is associated with and serves as an AMZ advisor. He specializes in Amazon and Latin American e-commerce, with a track record of achieving substantial growth for more than 50 seven-figure brands on the Amazon platform. His expertise lies in assisting brands in entering the Latin American e-commerce markets and addressing the various challenges that foreign brands typically encounter in these markets. It appears that he is a knowledgeable and experienced professional in the field of e-commerce and Amazon sales. Today, Ramiro will talk about Amazon and its impact on the Latin American e-commerce landscape, sharing insights and strategies for brands looking to expand into this dynamic market. Stay tuned!


979: Good Leadership Through Personal Relationships: Be The Best Leader You Can Be with Certified Leadership Trainer Kevin Wayne Johnson

October 20, 2023

Leaders are the ones who guide people to accomplish a certain task, whether in a family,  business, or community setting. However, many leaders struggle to lead because they don’t know how to communicate properly. Others lead through fear, unable to help workers do their high-level tasks. Good leadership, on the other hand, uses their heart as their guide to lead. Building relationships and earning mutual trust will create a positive atmosphere, and people will perform at a high level with joy in doing their tasks.Kevin Wayne Johnson is the founder and CEO of The Johnson Leadership Group, a certified leadership trainer and speaker, an eight-time best-selling author, and a former chief of staff for the Department of Defense. He is also the author of the book entitled “Leadership With A Servant's Heart: Leading Through Personal Relationships.” In this episode, Kevin will talk about good leadership and how current and aspiring leaders can be the best leaders they can be.


978: Fifteen Minutes of Shame: Fail, Learn, and Use Your Positive Mindset to Evolve with Des Hague

October 18, 2023

Adversity will come into our life no matter what. That’s just how life is. But how we handle our challenges and problems is up to us. We only have two choices: either you stay defeated or stand up, learn, and improve. Don’t let your failures get into your mind. Have the confidence, conviction, and courage to face whatever circumstance you may be, learn, and be a better you.

Des Hague is an author, speaker, and innovator in the international community. With over thirty years of experience, his innovative strategies have helped organizations like Centerplate, Safeway, IHOP, and Maytag expand consistently and remain fiercely competitive. He is also the author of the book entitled “Fifteen Minutes of Shame: How a Twitter Mob Nearly Ruined My Life.” Today, Des Hague will share insights about overcoming adversity, learning from your failure, the power of leading with laughter, and the five key leadership principles.


977: Instantly Relevant: Warm Up and Convert LinkedIn Leads From Authentic Engaging AI Content with Thomas Helfrich

October 16, 2023

The use of AI in business operations and marketing has become not only important but also useful in today's rapidly evolving digital environment. With that being said, there is a common misconception that it will completely replace humans in various jobs, leading to widespread unemployment. However, it is important to realize that rather than replacing humans, AI has the potential to enhance our capabilities, making us more efficient and effective in our work. The key is to adapt and acquire the skills necessary to work alongside it.

Thomas Helfrich is the CEO and founder of, a pioneering company specializing in LinkedIn lead generation, AI-powered marketing services, and social media strategy and coaching. With a career spanning over two decades, Thomas has excelled in consultancy, advisory roles, and entrepreneurship. Today, Thomas will talk about the world of artificial intelligence, explore the importance of LinkedIn for business growth, and effective strategies for warming up and nurturing your leads. Stay tuned!


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